Sunday, June 19, 2022

Dad's Advice And Warnings 6/19/2022

 Good Morning,

I hit the ground running this morning and I stopped long enough to make some Door County Highlander Grog Coffee. I want to take a moment to give a shout out to all the Dad's who will read this today and wish them a Happy Father's Day. You might be reading this and thinking about your own father. Or they have passed on and you are missing them today as is the case with me. 

Proverbs 23:22. Listen to your father who gave you life and do not despise your mother when she is old. 

This past week we had some severe storms roll into the area and on one afternoon it caused some flash flooding in a normally docile creek. The rain caused the creek to swell up and speed up. I have been in this area and have seen this happen before. What is a lazy little creek becomes a roaring treacherous river in minutes. A young boy who was near by the river at high flood time had his soccer ball somehow someway end up in the turbulent terror. He went into the river after it. His dad and a friend witnessed this and went into the water to save the boy who was struggling and soon disappeared into a tunnel. All three drowned and were recovered from the watery grave a couple days later. Such a tragedy and my heart breaks for those families. 

I too lived close enough to this same creek as a boy. My dad knew that creeks and boys go together. One day right after an epic storm my Dad took my sister and me to see the roaring river. He explained to us that no ball or anything else of ours was ever valuable enough to go into that river after it. He explained the danger of doing so was way too dangerous. Unfortunately that same summer another nasty storm came in and after the rain stopped some kids were playing near the swollen creek and one fell in and drown. Once that hit the news it added credence to my dad's rule of staying away from the creek on a stormy day. 

Dad's have a way of spotting danger and pointing it out to their children and being very explicit on the consequences. Instructing our children is one of the jobs God has planned out for fathers. God spends much time in the Book of Proverbs telling us to listen to the instructions of our fathers. Dads, my charge to you is to give instructions and advice for as long as you can. But follow your own advice and the instructions of your own father. Set an example for your children. This includes grandfathers.

Dads your are an important tool God created to teach, love and care for your children. Always step up and instruct. It is your God given duty.

Have a great day!


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