Sunday, March 17, 2019

The Revolution Of Truth 3/17/2019

Good Morning,

It should come as no surprise today that I am drinking Door County Dublin's Delight Coffee and enjoying every drop. Today many will observe St. Patrick's Day. Even those who are not Irish might enjoy corned beef and cabbage. It can be a fun day for all if done safely and in moderation. So please don't drink and drive.

When I look out of the second story window in my den this morning I can see a sunny dry day. I see it clearly through one eye as my right eye heals from surgery. I can make out the sunshine though in both eyes. The right one is blurred but gives me enough vision to know that the sun is shining. I know it is there, but it is hidden behind the cloud in my eye.

Yesterday it was announced that a two year old toddler who has been missing in our city was found miles away wrapped in blankets and dead along the side of the road. Her mother was killed in a domestic altercation at home with her father. He is accused of her death. The child has been missing since that  terrible day.

When we heard the news in our home, both Rene and I were silent for a moment. I could tell that the news really got to her. She had been hoping and praying for a different outcome. We talked about it for a few minutes and I could sense that she was filled with anger. What exactly happened to this child I truly believe we will never know. But my heart breaks for the family left behind. I mourn for those lost in New Zealand because of hatred. So many lives taken away by untruths being taught.

Jeremiah 9:1 New International Version (NIV)
    and my eyes a fountain of tears!
I would weep day and night
    for the slain of my people.

Oh, that my head were a spring of water

In the world we tend to ignore the truth and mask it with deceit. We don't call a rotten apple a rotten apple any more. We look at it as bruised fruit. We want to blame everyone else for the faults of society except ourselves. Politically I am not sure who is telling the truth anymore. George Orwell wrote "In a time of universal deceit,  telling the truth is a revolutionary act."  We want to blame objects used in crime as the cause instead of admitting that we need to get back to the basics of right and wrong. Loving others and showing kindness is still there. It has just become clouded by us allowing Godly principles to be voided in schools, clubs, sports, and in our own homes. It's these basics that can heal hearts, of anger., despair, and lack of hope.

I for one am asking us to call out to God for our world which I know is full of beauty.But the beauty is clouded now.  He is the basic foundation we need to open our eyes, call sin a sin and teach us His ways once more. We need to not only tell ourselves the truth, we need to accept it, own it and live it. 

Let their be peace and truth in our world. Let it begin with us.


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