Sunday, March 10, 2019

It's So Simple. Be Nice 3/10/2019

Good Morning World!

I find myself slow to start this morning. I am like an old engine on a below zero day. Just hard to start describes my mood. I will blame it on the weather and the Daylight Savings Time Change.

Photo Door County Fish Boil.

I would like to talk about something I learned in kindergarten. It was the simplest rule I was ever taught. Back in the day it was known as the golden rule. Treat others as you you want to be treated. in other words BE NICE!

Luke 6:31 New International Version (NIV)
31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.

Somewhere along the way this lesson seems to be forgotten by too many people. Now I won't address murder, or the nastier things in life today. It is the "Simple Irritations" I want to speak on. For instance "car horns" are supposed to be used to address and avoid crash situations. Yesterday morning I was waiting for a stoplight to change. I would be the first to be able to resume my trip once the light turned green. But there was still a pedestrian crossing in front of me when the light changed. Only the two of us in the front row could see it. I couldn't move forward for a second or two. Now that light had just turned green for a second. My foot did not and should not have left the brake pedal in my Jeep. The lady behind me laid on her horn to let me know I hadn't moved yet. She was angry and not nice in two seconds. I did excuse her because I did not know why she was in such of a hurry. But what I could not excuse was her angry gesture she made to the two of us in the front row. Once she passed us , it was obvious that she could see why we were waiting. She sped away only to be waiting again at the next light. The person who was next to me in the front row also sped up and caught her at the next red light. He had a few things to say to her from his truck and gave her a nasty salute as he left. Now this whole ordeal was over two seconds. They both lost the art of being nice and treating others as they would want to be treated. Car horns are now used to make people move at the pace you think they should move. They have become more than a warning to avoid a crash. They are now a tool to express your frustrations over simple things that might gain you two seconds in your day. The woman gave irritation out and return received irritation in the same way, if not worse than they way she dished it out. This is called the "Law Of The Harvest" She received exactly what she planted.

Galatians 6:7 New King James Version (NKJV)
Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. 

I want to say this. If the world would all practice being "nice" I believe that many of the hard to start body engines would crank up easier. In the back ground this morning our radio is playing and I have it tuned to a low key Gospel Music Station. It was fine until even their news cast started to tell me about the nasty not nice behavior in politics these days. None of it needs to be the way it is and hearing about it ruined the moment for me.  People are not being nice in politics. It has become mean, foolish banter that does no one any good.

I have news for many this morning. Being nice is a trait to teach your children, but practice what we preach. And in case you have forgotten, being nice is Biblical and should be done because God tells us to do so.  Spread a little nice on the sandwich called "your day" today. You might not receive any in return, but for someone and maybe for just a second or two, you made their day better. And people, people, people stay off of the horn!!! Breath before you boil over.

God bless,


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