Sunday, March 31, 2019

Saying Goodbye Isn't Easy 3/31/2019

Good Morning World!

I just finished a cup of Door County Chocolate Covered Strawberry Coffee and It's time to write. I hope this Sunday morning finds you in a tub full of happiness and joy.

Philippians 4:11-13 New King James Version (NKJV)
11 Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: 12 I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. 13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Our daughter just left for the airport after a fast breakfast of sausages, coffee and fresh bread rolls. She came in from Florida for a three day visit that seemed to pass by like they were one day.This last year has not afforded us our annual week long visit in December due to health reasons on my end. I always just took those visits for granted until it did not happen this year. My knee replacements went very well but I did not count on not being able to fly in a plane for months. My plan was to visit while recovering. Then my plan was to fly in for the graduation spend three days and enjoy a visit. But then came the retinal detachment and I am grounded from flying again. Our visiting time will be spent driving.

In three days we crammed in some great food, serious talk and some humorous banter and memories.  This morning all three of us were up at 4:AM to have that one last cup of coffee and perform the inevitable "goodbye". The visits are never long enough and saying farewell gets harder with age. I thought it was harder when she was younger, but not as tough as it is now. We will be seeing her again in May when we all celebrate our grandson's high school graduation. That also will be a whirlwind trip due to work schedules.

My wife Rene announced that she will also retire in May and that she will be visiting Kristy more often while she waits for my retirement to happen. She said this morning that the goodbye's will be easier for her when they are more frequent. Rene said " Visit more, the family makeup is always changing as well as circumstances"

So here is my point. I don't know what the future has in store  just like everyone else. I know Who holds the future. So I will continue plan visits and be satisfied if God wills that they happen or don't happen. We need to be content waiting on God to grant the things we desire and if He doesn't we need to stay content. He knows my heart and He grounded me for a reason. In due time I will know why or maybe I won't. So today as I said so long, I asked God to heal a hurting heart. He did, and I will pass this along to all of you. Visit while you can, you never know when you will be grounded.

God bless,


Saturday, March 30, 2019

Lessons From Mom And Dad

Good Morning World!

I prayed as I wrote this for whoever would be reading today. I am drinking some Door County Irish Creme Coffee to start the day.

As Spring approaches I have been thinking about my parents. Both of my parents passed away some years ago now. I started thinking about some of the things I learned from them. I imagine you too can recall some of the lessons learned from your parents or grandparents.

One of the first things we learned was to say please and thank you. As I was shopping the other day at a local grocery store I of course had to pay  for my groceries. I spent just a little under $200. I was given the amount to pay. Paid in full. Then it happened!!!!!!! What you say? Well actually nothing happened. The check out person asked the next customer in line if they had a "rewards card or coupons". Not a thank you did I receive for spending my money there and keeping that clerk employed.

Exodus 20:12

New International Version (NIV)
12 “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.
I believe we can honor our parents by doing the good things they taught us no matter our age. One really does not out grow goodness. 
If we are to put Christ back into schools and the world shouldn't we practice what He and our parents taught us?

Luke 6:31

New International Version (NIV)
31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.
Have a blessed day.

Friday, March 29, 2019

An Old Rugged Cross 3/29/2019


Good Morning,
Happy Friday to you. My coffee cup is filled with Sunrise In Door County today.
  1. Philippians 2:8
    And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.
One of my favorite songs is an old hymn. The Old Rugged Cross is one that I could listen to every day.

"On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross,
the emblem of suffering and shame;
and I love that old cross where the dearest and best 
for a world of lost sinners was slain.
So I'll cherish the old rugged cross,
till my trophies at last I lay down;
I will cling to the old rugged cross,
and exchange it some day for a crown."

When I listen to or sing it I often feel tears well up in my eyes. I see many ornate crosses dangling from necks with gold chains. I have nothing against that at all.  As a matter of fact I own one or two.
But as I sing the words "the emblem of suffering and shame" the cross turns dark for me. I am reminded how ugly sin is, especially my own. Their ugliness deserved an ugly punishment. Rough wood, nails, blood, discomfort and searing pain along with death.

But as the song goes on I am reminded that this cross was a gift to me and you. It was the payment for our sins and someday I will be home in heaven. And when I think of the price paid for sin I am humbled and ashamed.

So from time to time when you see an ornate cross, close your eyes and picture the "Old Rugged Cross" and say thank you to the One who died for us.

God bless,

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Going To The Gym 3/28/2019

Good Morning World!

I just want to yell out to the world this morning and say "Have  Great day!" I will celebrate the day I have been waiting for all week (A Visit From A Relative) with a hot cup of Door County Heavenly Caramel Coffee.

I have been released by the eye doctor to continue rehabilitation on my knee replacements. I have to limit the weight amounts but I can start back! The eye is healed enough to do that, but clear vision has yet to return. But praise God it feels good to get back to the knees!

One problem with going to the gym is timing. Go too early and the place is crowded and there are no parking spaces. One gets all the exercise they need just by walking from the car for 2 miles uphill both ways. I am exaggerating quite a bit. But parking is an issue and you take the chance that you might not find a space until someone leaves. And pity the fool who drives a Ford F250 and needs the bigger spaces to park. I would be that fool.

So to accommodate the rehab work I tend to go to the gym real early on weekends or much later during the week. What does this have to do with my inspirational blog?

Here goes. In order to obtain a parking space, and get in my workout I have to be patient or be early. In doing so I am exhibiting two things,

1, Patience, I have to wait my turn or change my routine.
2. Dedication , I have to bend my will to meet my needs

The same can be applied to God. I have needs that only He can do. I need to wait on Him and be patient. Secondly I have to remember that God doesn't change His schedule to meet mine, but I need to adjust my schedule to meet His. I have to bend my will to meet His desires

Isaiah 40:31 New King James Version (NKJV)

Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.

31 But those who wait on the Lord

Isaiah 55:8-9 New King James Version (NKJV)

Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,

 Have a wonderful day. God bless,


Wednesday, March 27, 2019

A Hard Pill To Swallow 3/27/2019

Good Morning World!

Today's Coffee is Door County Highlander Grog. My heart is consumed in prayer for friends and family today. Prayer is the answer to what is on my heart.

I remember back into my childhood being ill a few times and it seemed that every doctor prescribed liquid medicine for children. I remember Mr. Mattioli the pharmacist telling me that the medicine would taste good. Whatever he put in the medicine to mask the vile taste did not work, It tasted terrible and was hard to swallow. He tried, but the technology of the early 1960s was not what it is today.

Now my friends, I can read through my Bible and find and quote many passages of love, hope and encouragement. But I can also find those passages that are heard to swallow. They are the ones that convict us of sin or call us to change. Sometimes we read them and pretend they don't apply to us. Many, do not want to digest the passages and be confronted with their sin. We wish the message was sugar coated and did not make our sin sound so ugly. But, God doesn't really sugar coat things. He does not send the sin to hell but he sends the un-redeemed sinner to hell. God is serious about sin and He calls it what it is.

Galatians 5:19-26 New King James Version (NKJV)
19 Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, 20 idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, 21 envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. 24 And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another

Once we realize sin is sin and it is poison, the redemption Gospel Of Jesus Christ becomes sweetness to the ears.

So today if you sin, call it what it is, poison to the heart and soul. Don't excuse it as a "slip up, a little indiscretion , a white lie, or poor judgement". Get serious about it.

Have a great day. Love to all.


Tuesday, March 26, 2019

When Should We Pray?

Good Morning,

I just woke up and I am in a rush today. But two things that cannot be rushed are my writing to all of you and my hot cup of Door County Wisconsin Harvest Blend Coffee.  So here's to you!

This is the last day that I we will be discussing prayer for awhile. But yesterday I promised that we would explore "When to pray".  Some people like scheduled prayer time and mornings seem to work best for me to do that. Others like to go in secret and pray at night. Neither is wrong and there really isn't a prescribed time for prayer. But here is my Biblical theory on this.

1. Christians have the Holy Spirit dwelling within us teaching us all things. I believe if we are Spirit filled, the Holy Spirit leads us to times of prayer throughout the day and night.

John 14:26 New King James Version (NKJV)
26 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.

2 . So this supports my thinking that prayers should be kept simple. I have had the Holy Spirit lead me to pray in meetings for someone who just announced something prayer worthy. I silently say a short prayer on their behalf or ask them if I can pray with them after the meeting. Whichever way this happens it is brief and in the moment.

3. I believe we should pray about all things that could cause us to be anxious for ourselves or others.
Philippians 4:6-8 New King James Version (NKJV)
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus

4. I believe we should be ready to pray 24/7 and as long as the Spirit leads us to pray. Which basically means that we should be people of prayer that will pray anytime and anywhere.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 English Standard Version (ESV)
16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you

My friends now we know when to pray, how to pray, and why we pray. So there's one thing left to do and that is to pray.


Monday, March 25, 2019

Prayer, Keep It Simple 3/25/2019

Good Morning World!

Monday has arrived right on time and at the end of this week we have the joy of having our daughter here for a visit. I just poured a cup of Door County Vanilla Creme Brulee Coffee and it is time to write.

Yesterday I stated that I wanted to do a three day look at prayer. Today is day two and we will look at a method I use to pray. I keep it simple and straight from the heart. I am not a good speaker or orator. Yet I know that I can speak to God just in the same way I am writing. He is just happy to hear from me.

We might think we have to pray powerful, exact, persuasive words for God to hear us, but in reality He listens even to our shortest tired prayers.
“The fewer the words, the better the prayer,” said Martin Luther.
We can talk to God the way we talk to a friend or family member. I do however remember Who I am praying to and give God the respect He deserves and desires. I don't start with "Hey Buddy!" I do try to imitate Jesus and start with My Father in Heaven like Jesus said "Our Father Who Art In Heaven". Or Dear Heavenly Father. I pray as long as it takes to state my case or intercede for others. My phrases are simple and to the point, like Lord please heal my relative. This gives me more time to pray for many. God hears our requests and doesn't need me to tell Him that what He might be wearing is awesome. Like Eddie Haskell would do to Mrs. Cleaver on Leave it to Beaver. I always add a thank you for loving me and for hearing me out. I also take time to say thank you for answered requests.

Have you ever had a one-sided conversation with someone who talked continually without listening to you? The conversation didn’t go very far, did it? We do the same thing to God when we pray without reading the Bible His letter of love, instructions,  and wisdom to each one of us on earth. Reading Scripture helps us get to know God. It brings life and body to our prayers. It gives us conversation with God.
If you want to have a more effective conversation with God, read Scripture.. Pause in the Word to pray over a verse that bumps  you, asking God to work that truth into your heart and life.

God speaks through His Word and we should always be open to His leadership, comfort, and His will.

Tomorrow we will discuss when to pray.


Sunday, March 24, 2019

The Duty Of Prayer 3/24/2019

Good Morning World!

I started the day early and I am going into work for a short time.  My coffee today is a rerun from yesterday/ I felt like drinking Door County Dublin's Delight again today. It was a wise choice.

I am going to write about prayer for the next three days. I hope to inspire all of us to up our game a little in the prayer department during this series.

1Tmothy 2:1
 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, [and] giving of thanks, be made for all men;

As we see in the Scripture above we are asked, or begged to pray for one another. We are encouraged to make the sacrifice of time and effort to pray unselfishly for others. I believe that there are many people who practice this belief. I am afraid however that there are too many Christians who don't. We have become a people of convenience prayer. "I will pray for you" although a good answer is often forgotten later and never accomplished. What is wrong with "Let's pray now and I will continue to do so."

Don't be the lazy "Prayer Warrior". Have a "Get It Done Attitude"  Praying with someone let's them know, you care, you love them and that the prayer was actually sent to God.

Think this one through. Are you a warrior that jumps into battle, or are you one who takes a break first, while people go along needing the prayer until you get around to it?


Saturday, March 23, 2019

Look For The Silver Lining 3/23/2019

Good Morning World!

It's Saturday morning in my part of the world, so I will have a little more time to write today. My cup was just filled with Door County Dublin's Delight Coffee and I just finished my prayers for dear friends and family who are hurting or in need. So now it is time to write.

Exodus 16:10 New International Version (NIV)
10 While Aaron was speaking to the whole Israelite community, they looked toward the desert, and there was the glory of the Lord appearing in the cloud.

I often spend time looking at cloud formations. They continually change and sometimes I see shapes that resemble things. I see clouds a a form of God's art work for my day. The clouds I want to speak of are the clouds of turmoil that come into every life from time to time.

Look for the silver lining in every cloud of strife and turmoil. Try to make it a habit. When you have found the silver lining hang on to it and keep focused on the good. Avoid moving the eyes of your heart back into the leaden gray of the middle.

Do not give into discouragement and despair no matter what. A discouraged soul is helpless. You are easy prey for the enemy and it is hard to resist the temptations that he sends your way. During times when you are consumed by the despair it is hard to prevail in prayer for others. Flee from these symptoms like you would flee from a rabid dog. And don't be slow about it, unless you want to keep the stench of defeat with you. Search out God's promises that you are loved and are not alone. Repeat them out loud.

The very minute you place your trust in God and turn away wholeheartedly from discouragement the Holy Spirit will sharpen your faith and breath in extra divine strength. We must purpose to point our souls and hearts to look upward and soar away like eagles from the despair that so greatly can consume us during seasons of trials. God is in every trial with us. We need to find the silver lining.

Lord I pray that I can continue to do this myself. Someone once said, you can't see the sunrise if you continue to look in the West. Change your point of view today. Look for God in the clouds of life.


Friday, March 22, 2019

I Believe In Miracles 3/22/2019

Good Morning World!

Friday is here and I for one enjoy the thought of putting the end to the week and starting a weekend. God blessed me with a hot cup of Door County German Chocolate Cake Coffee and now it is time to write.

Albert Einstein said, " There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."

I for one want all readers of this blog to know that I believe in miracles and not Karma or coincidence. Luck is useless. I believe that all good things come from God.

James 1:17 New International Version (NIV)
17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

The greatest miracle of all, however, is the miracle of a changed life — and this can happen, as we open our hearts and lives to Christ. Do others see Christ in you — His love, His compassion, His purity, His joy. God still sends angels to minister to us. Although we don't always see their actions, they are there. Much of what they do could be labeled as miracles. The Bible says, “Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” (Hebrews 1:14). 

There have been many times that things have occurred after prayer that I cannot explain like healings that no doctor can explain. I woke up today and the world is still spinning on the same path, but I do not see anything holding it up. Another miracle!

So my friends don't discount miracles. I see many walking miracles every day.

God bless,


Thursday, March 21, 2019

Rusty Minds 3/21/2019

Good Morning World.

I woke up and headed for the kitchen in search of a cup of Door County Amaretto Coffee and I found it right where it should have been! Rene and I are creatures of habit and hardly ever change things up. I can walk the house in the dark and not run into anything.

A few days ago I had to work on the locks of the cap on my pickup truck. The harsh winter with sub zero temperatures after freezing rains caused the locks to corrode. They needed some corrosion remover, penetrating oil  and then some lock lube to get them working like new.

I have listened to television commercials that sell you vitamins that are supposed to stimulate the brain. The vitamins might work and they might not. I don't really know. People say that if you read books you can stimulate your brain. Hobbies are supposed to be a brain stimulant. But, I watch people at work, church, and social gatherings that are never happy. They grumble and groan about everything. It seems as if their minds are corroded and rusty.

An unknown author wrote. 
Cheerfulness removes the rust of the mind,
lubricates our inward machinery, and enables 
us to do our work with fewer creaks and groans. 
If people universally cheerful. there wouldn't be half of 
quarreling or a tenth part of the wickedness there is.
Cheerfulness, too, promotes health and morality. Cheerful
People live longest, here on Earth afterward in our hearts.

The Bible also sees cheerfulness as a rust remover.

Proverbs 15:13 New International Version (NIV)

    but heartache crushes the spirit.

13 A happy heart makes the face cheerful,

Wipe the rusty frown off of your faces today, enjoy some cheerfulness and spread it around. You might just share that rust remover with others and make your part of the world a better place to live.


Wednesday, March 20, 2019

What's In Your Tackle Box? 3/20/2019

Good morning! Here we go again with another new day. I am drinking a hot cup of Door County Lighthouse Blend Coffee and headed to work. Let's take a moment to think.

I have started my Christmas shopping. I know it is early in the year and Christmas is not on many minds. I can't say that I am fond of shopping. So I do it early and enjoy Christmas instead of rushing off to shop. I do however need to purchase a gift for a fellow sportsman. This fella likes to fish. So off I went to the Sporting Goods store to browse. So many fishing lures to choose from. One advertisement for a lure stated " guaranteed to make them bite". I thought to myself now that's a bait to have.

Today I want us to think about this week. Someone will toss a "bait" our way this week. This bait is designed to get us to open our mouths and say something we later will wish we had not said. Their comment is one that would attract a response from us that is better left not responded to.

"People are like fish. Neither would get into trouble if they just kept their mouths shut."

Don't fall for the bait. Pray your answers through. Avoid the confrontation. Once the mouth opens and the words come out, there is no going back. Just like fish we go from Wednesday to the frying pan!

Who so keeps his mouth shut and minds his tongue keeps his soul from troubles. Proverbs 21:23

Have a great and blessed day.


Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Present In A Foreign Land 3/19/2019

Good Morning World,

I am embracing this day with prayer and a large mug of Door County Bourbon Pecan Pie Coffee. Today I write to Christians around the world who might be suffering from persecution, illness, pain, or loss of loved ones. Today I also write to non-Christians and send a message of hope through Jesus Christ.

Have you ever traveled somewhere and despite how hard your host worked for you something was missing? What was missing, is that it wasn't home!

My kingdom is not of the world. John 18:36

Jesus reminds us that His home is in Heaven. Those who have received Him as Lord and Savior will dwell with Him there when we leave this world.

There are many rooms in my Father's house. I am going there to prepare a place for you. John 14:2

Problems, strife, discontent and unhappiness on Earth work to promote a thirst and hunger for Heaven. God through these, holds our attentions on what is ahead.
We will never be content here. We were not made for Earth. We were made for Heaven. Settling for what Earth has to offer is a great tragedy. We are prematurely satisfied. Content in a strange land??

We will see moments or days of joy, peace, and get glimpses of God at work. But never ever think that what we have now compares to the wonders ahead! Travel on! We are just passing through.

God bless,

Monday, March 18, 2019

Monday Monday Monday 3/19/2019

Good Morning World,

The week has begun right on time and ours looks to be nice and dry with steadily warming temperatures. I just poured a cup of Door County Cheery Creme Coffee and I am enjoying it immensely.

Psalm 118:24 New King James Version (NKJV)

24 This is the day the Lord has made.
We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Right after each weekend and especially a weekend that we either work too hard, or play too hard or just do something fun, Monday comes and the distance between it and Friday seems like a long trip across a desert without water or food. We all enjoy those weekends when we can do what we want, or relax, attend church and in general recharge. But they end and we move into Monday a little crabby.

But life can't be all weekends. God gave us seven days and Monday takes some hard hits in the popularity scores.

So I have developed a plan for Mondays. I go to work. I see people that I did not see on the weekend. I value a paycheck and that starts on Monday. I study Monday night for our Bible Study on Tuesday. We enjoy eating left overs, but that never happens on Monday. The food would be left over from the weekend and might trigger a bout of nostalgia. We treat Monday as the beginning of the rest of the week. Without Mondays , Tuesday would be receiving a bum rap. We plan fresh food for Mondays, eating salads or comfort foods of our choice.

We tend to eat outside on Mondays when the weather permits it, making that night special. I will make a phone call to a friend or family and correspond on Monday nights. I use Monday nights to pay the bills, plan vacations, train the dog or work on wood restoration projects.

Knowing this plan on Sunday helps me to feel better about Monday and the fact that the weekend is over.

Most of all I try to consider each day as a blessing and a gift from God.  It is a day like the others and it can't be used as an excuse for not being a blessing to others. So today is Monday, not Friday. It is a day given to us and we need to make it count.

God bless,


Sunday, March 17, 2019

The Revolution Of Truth 3/17/2019

Good Morning,

It should come as no surprise today that I am drinking Door County Dublin's Delight Coffee and enjoying every drop. Today many will observe St. Patrick's Day. Even those who are not Irish might enjoy corned beef and cabbage. It can be a fun day for all if done safely and in moderation. So please don't drink and drive.

When I look out of the second story window in my den this morning I can see a sunny dry day. I see it clearly through one eye as my right eye heals from surgery. I can make out the sunshine though in both eyes. The right one is blurred but gives me enough vision to know that the sun is shining. I know it is there, but it is hidden behind the cloud in my eye.

Yesterday it was announced that a two year old toddler who has been missing in our city was found miles away wrapped in blankets and dead along the side of the road. Her mother was killed in a domestic altercation at home with her father. He is accused of her death. The child has been missing since that  terrible day.

When we heard the news in our home, both Rene and I were silent for a moment. I could tell that the news really got to her. She had been hoping and praying for a different outcome. We talked about it for a few minutes and I could sense that she was filled with anger. What exactly happened to this child I truly believe we will never know. But my heart breaks for the family left behind. I mourn for those lost in New Zealand because of hatred. So many lives taken away by untruths being taught.

Jeremiah 9:1 New International Version (NIV)
    and my eyes a fountain of tears!
I would weep day and night
    for the slain of my people.

Oh, that my head were a spring of water

In the world we tend to ignore the truth and mask it with deceit. We don't call a rotten apple a rotten apple any more. We look at it as bruised fruit. We want to blame everyone else for the faults of society except ourselves. Politically I am not sure who is telling the truth anymore. George Orwell wrote "In a time of universal deceit,  telling the truth is a revolutionary act."  We want to blame objects used in crime as the cause instead of admitting that we need to get back to the basics of right and wrong. Loving others and showing kindness is still there. It has just become clouded by us allowing Godly principles to be voided in schools, clubs, sports, and in our own homes. It's these basics that can heal hearts, of anger., despair, and lack of hope.

I for one am asking us to call out to God for our world which I know is full of beauty.But the beauty is clouded now.  He is the basic foundation we need to open our eyes, call sin a sin and teach us His ways once more. We need to not only tell ourselves the truth, we need to accept it, own it and live it. 

Let their be peace and truth in our world. Let it begin with us.


Saturday, March 16, 2019

Trusting In God 3/16/2019

Good Morning World!

It has been a few days since I wrote to all of you and it's been the same amount of days without a cup of coffee. Today I celebrate a milestone with a mug of Door County White Chocolate Cinnamon Dolce Coffee.

In my last blog I wrote about needing eye surgery in my right eye. The retina in my eye tore in two places causing my vision to become blurry. This led me to a retinal surgeon and the game was on. The surgery was short and I must say uncomfortable at best. The results in the view of the experts were reported to me to be good. Part of the recovery methods was to walk or sit with my head facing the floor at all times and sleeping on my side with my face down. Today is the first day that I can walk and sit upright. All of me beverages needed to be taken in through a straw. Hot coffee through a straw just didn't work for me.

My vision is still blurred and I can now barely make out two fingers when held close to my eye. The recovery time is much longer than I expected or hoped for. I will take it one step at a time, returning to work early next week if all goes well at the next Doctor's appointment.

I am praising God for the surgeon, his staff, my friends and family for taking care of me. With my head facing down there were times that I needed to be led by the hand through offices and doors. God blessed me with a great care team. Some will be reading this today. They know who they are and how much they are loved and appreciated.

Now this happened for a reason and I have tossed that through my mind a thousand times over the last few days with no answer from God. I was sent two passages to comfort me and I want to share them with you now. They both gave me comfort and helped me to do what I need to do and that it is to place my trust in God. I need to look to Him for peace and healing if that is His will. This experience has taught me a lot of things and a lesson in humility was the biggest. On the first day when the surgery took place I couldn't even
tie my own shoes. It had to be done for me. God supplied a great friend and wife who helped me get dressed. God supplied a lot of things through others once again for us like a turkey pot pie and humorous notes. All arrived just when I needed them most.

Psalm 46:10 New King James Version (NKJV)
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth

10 Be still, and know that I am God;

Psalm 46:10 is one that I have given out many times to others who are in need of comfort. When this verse came to me from a cousin I was in the midst of whining and throwing myself a one person pity party. It soothed my soul and led me back to the passage that I was repeating to myself the day of surgery and at night when I could not sleep and worry would overcome me like a disease that spread quickly.

Psalm 121 New King James Version (NKJV)
God the Help of Those Who Seek Him
A Song of Ascents.
From whence comes my help?
My help comes from the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth.
He who keeps you will not slumber.
Behold, He who keeps Israel
Shall neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord is your shade at your right hand.
The sun shall not strike you by day,
Nor the moon by night.
He shall preserve your soul.
The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in
From this time forth, and even forevermore.

121 I will lift up my eyes to the hills—
He will not allow your foot to be moved;
The Lord is your keeper;
The Lord shall  preserve you from all evil;

Again this is a passage that has calmed my fears before and set me on the right path of trusting God in the middle of calamity. I will keep everyone posted on the progress in my pursuit of healing. God did remind me of two things I needed to do while reflecting. One will be complete today and the other one is being worked on. But for those facing uncertainty I share these verses that were and are so dear to me.

Love to all,


Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Being Surrounded Isn't Always What It Seems 3/12/2019

Good Morning World!

No Door County Coffee for me today. I had a big surprise yesterday when my sight started to fail in my right eye. Later today I will be experiencing surgery to repair a detached retina. I appreciate your prayers. My daily blog will be down for about 7-8 days while I heal. But here's one for today!

I like to watch old war movies and cowboy movies. Over the years I have noticed a few things. But one stands out as note worthy. Being surrounded by your enemy never seems to be a good idea or extremely popular by those who are surrounded. It always seems as if fear is a top commodity. Escape is a priority. Nerves are stretched  further than ever. Sometimes there is conflict with others who are on the same side. Indecision seems to take the place of decisiveness. In one of John Wayne's movies He said to one fella,
"Looks like you got yourself surrounded". The other man replied "Yes and I plan on getting myself unsurrounded." Even John Wayne did not like the idea of being surrounded. Neither do I, until I remember I am surrounded by God too.

On the other hand there are times I cherish being surrounded.
As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people. For this time forth and forever. Psalm 125:2

We can count on God to surround us with His love and presence. I mentioned this to someone yesterday and they replied. "But I am surrounded by troubles."  "Oh yes" was my reply. "But think about it. Your troubles are surrounded too." When you look at it that way, surrounded doesn't sound so bad. God has your back!

God bless,

Monday, March 11, 2019

Heaven's Prescription For Sleep 3/11/2019

Good Morning World!

How can one not be happy to wake up to the sound of Door County Pumpkin Spice Coffee brewing in the kitchen? I just started my Monday that way. I hope today finds you all well and rested.

 My day started early and went will go late into the night.  I desire to leave you today with a promise for tomorrow. God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. My prayer is that you all sleep well tonight. I hear from more and more people that they struggle with not being able to sleep. I am afraid that this busy world and the frustrations, anxiousness, and worries it brings is eating into the health, happiness and hope of many people.

I look to God and His word for assistance in everything. I would be lying if I said that I never experience a few sleepless nights. What I try to do, is read the following verse and change my thoughts by following it. I usually find myself in a field or on a lake with my dog hunting ducks or geese. Or my mind wanders to fond memories of my family. These things are lovely and true. Once there I find that I will pray for some of them. This soothes my soul and eventually puts me to sleep and it stops the worries.  So here's to tonight and the day after. Rest my sleepless friends.

Philippians 4:8-9

New International Version (NIV)
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

God bless,

Sunday, March 10, 2019

It's So Simple. Be Nice 3/10/2019

Good Morning World!

I find myself slow to start this morning. I am like an old engine on a below zero day. Just hard to start describes my mood. I will blame it on the weather and the Daylight Savings Time Change.

Photo Door County Fish Boil.

I would like to talk about something I learned in kindergarten. It was the simplest rule I was ever taught. Back in the day it was known as the golden rule. Treat others as you you want to be treated. in other words BE NICE!

Luke 6:31 New International Version (NIV)
31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.

Somewhere along the way this lesson seems to be forgotten by too many people. Now I won't address murder, or the nastier things in life today. It is the "Simple Irritations" I want to speak on. For instance "car horns" are supposed to be used to address and avoid crash situations. Yesterday morning I was waiting for a stoplight to change. I would be the first to be able to resume my trip once the light turned green. But there was still a pedestrian crossing in front of me when the light changed. Only the two of us in the front row could see it. I couldn't move forward for a second or two. Now that light had just turned green for a second. My foot did not and should not have left the brake pedal in my Jeep. The lady behind me laid on her horn to let me know I hadn't moved yet. She was angry and not nice in two seconds. I did excuse her because I did not know why she was in such of a hurry. But what I could not excuse was her angry gesture she made to the two of us in the front row. Once she passed us , it was obvious that she could see why we were waiting. She sped away only to be waiting again at the next light. The person who was next to me in the front row also sped up and caught her at the next red light. He had a few things to say to her from his truck and gave her a nasty salute as he left. Now this whole ordeal was over two seconds. They both lost the art of being nice and treating others as they would want to be treated. Car horns are now used to make people move at the pace you think they should move. They have become more than a warning to avoid a crash. They are now a tool to express your frustrations over simple things that might gain you two seconds in your day. The woman gave irritation out and return received irritation in the same way, if not worse than they way she dished it out. This is called the "Law Of The Harvest" She received exactly what she planted.

Galatians 6:7 New King James Version (NKJV)
Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. 

I want to say this. If the world would all practice being "nice" I believe that many of the hard to start body engines would crank up easier. In the back ground this morning our radio is playing and I have it tuned to a low key Gospel Music Station. It was fine until even their news cast started to tell me about the nasty not nice behavior in politics these days. None of it needs to be the way it is and hearing about it ruined the moment for me.  People are not being nice in politics. It has become mean, foolish banter that does no one any good.

I have news for many this morning. Being nice is a trait to teach your children, but practice what we preach. And in case you have forgotten, being nice is Biblical and should be done because God tells us to do so.  Spread a little nice on the sandwich called "your day" today. You might not receive any in return, but for someone and maybe for just a second or two, you made their day better. And people, people, people stay off of the horn!!! Breath before you boil over.

God bless,


Saturday, March 9, 2019

Women Of Influence Awards 3/9/2019

Good Morning World!

Saturday arrived right on time and I for one rejoice that it did. I just sat down with a hot cup of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee and it is time for me to write.

I want to talk about my experience from last night. I dear friend of mine invited me to attend an awards dinner for Women Of Influence. It seems as if we share a few mutual friends, one of which was receiving and award for her accomplishments in Business, Government and Non-Profit organizations. I was delighted to hear that my friend was being recognized for her hard work within the community. It was a great dinner and the acceptance speeches were inspiring to say the least. Each women spoke unselfishly and you could just tell that each of them made their community and this world a better place by their work and dedication.

I was happy to say that I attended and left feeling good . It was great seeing some old friends and making some new ones. I am very proud of the lady who thought to invite me and sponsor me being there. Her own story is one of courage and strength. Once she knew that our friend would be honored she reached out to me and asked me to be her guest.

The fine woman receiving her award last night is someone I worked with at a medical center for many years. She is a true leader, deserving recognition. We discussed some of our mutual accomplishments during our time of labor together. I really enjoyed my time at the event and I came away better for being there.

The whole evening made me think and as usual my feeble mind wandered while some of the many thank yous were given out to those who planned this very large event. I could not help but think about all the women who had an influence on my life. The list is large and kept me awake last night for quite some time.  I thought of the many women who impacted my life in a positive way. I thought about those who still have an impact on me. Mom, grandmothers, aunts, my sister, wife, daughter, teachers, cousins, friends and coworkers. I recalled one hospital administrator who taught me to eat the dessert first if possible at our business luncheons. Her reason for doing so is that not all business luncheons are pleasant. " You might as well walk away with some sweetness. So start withe the sweets before you lose your appetite." That was one wise woman.

I thought about my shoes for a second. If it weren't for my mother teaching me to tie my shoes I would have been wearing slip on shoes. There was a dedicated teacher that visited me in the hospital while I was laid up with an eye injury. Both eyes were covered and I could not keep up with my studies. She would read to me and record my answers. My work was turned in on time and somehow I  made it to the next grade.  I thought about all the women who have prayed for me and those who still do. These ladies had a huge influence on me, and they took time to do it. To have a positive influence on anyone takes time and a willingness to share. As I heard last night and could also relate to the women of influence in my life, everything they did was with an unselfish heart.

James 1:17 New International Version (NIV)
17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

So today, ladies and gentlemen, recall those women who had positive influences on your life. If possible thank them for doing so. Most of all, thank God for sending them your way. All good things come from Him.

Have a wonderful day.


Friday, March 8, 2019

Don't Mess With Her Dr. Pepper Or the Gospel 3/8/2019

Good Morning World,

Friday is here and I am looking ahead to Saturday when we start a fund raiser for our church mission trip.  My coffee this morning is Door County Highlander Grog. The first day of Spring is not too far away.

My wife, Rene likes to drink Diet Dr. Pepper for a treat during the day. She has it refrigerated to keep it cold. She likes a cold glass at the end of her work day. I have learned throughout our years together that she will never add ice to the glass. "Ice just waters down my drink and it loses flavor that way" is what I have heard at least a hundred times. " Who wants watered down Diet Dr. Pepper"?

One thing worse than watered down Diet Dr. Pepper is a diluted gospel message.

Getting the right medicine in the right dose makes a world of difference to cancer patients.
So it is with the gospel. If we don’t get the full strength, we could be deceived into thinking we’re really healed when we’re actually getting worse. Likewise, the devil is mass-distributing a watered-down version among God’s people. He’s content to let you go to some churches because the medicine there is often so diluted it won’t make any transforming difference in your life.
“The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables” (2 Timothy 4:3, 4).
In this verse, Paul describes a problem in the pulpit and in the pew.
You have preachers who are not sharing a straight message, and you have people who don’t want a straight message. The people don’t want to take anything that’s hard to swallow. They generally want what’s easy and sweet to the senses. They want someone who will give them a prescription for candy-flavored, chewable medicine.
“Savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. Also, from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves” (Acts 20:29).
The gospel gets watered down because preachers/pastors want to be popular and some, for pride or money, want to draw away disciples after themselves for power and influence. (See Ezekiel 13:10.)

So beware of the goal of Satan to water down the message. A clear gospel message is not what He wants. A clear Gospel message heals the lost soul. A clear Biblical message calls sin a sin. The same way you wouldn't call cancer a case of the sniffles.

Make sure you are hearing the full message of the Bible. I for one believe that all 66 books of the Bible are to be read literally. All of God's rules are meant to be followed and only Jesus can save the lost.

So as a soda will go flat if it sits open too long, so will a Christian's life go flat with a Bible that is only open to the verses we want to hear, and give us warm fuzzies.

Hang in there today.

God bless,

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Chicken And Chips With A Recipe 3/7/2019

Good Morning World!

I am coming to you well rested today. This week has been a long one so far. After my prayer time this morning  I enjoyed a cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee. Now it is time to write.

I pay attention while grocery shopping. I guess you could say that I am a little nosey. When you check out at the store if you are like me, there is always someone ahead of you in the line. You can't help but see what they are placing on the belt line to purchase.

Philippians 2:14-16 New King James Version (NKJV)
14 Do all things without complaining and disputing, 15 that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, 16 holding fast the word of life, so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain or labored in vain.

I was watching one lady place item after item on the line. But all the items were "heat and eat" fast food. I mentioned this to a young friend of mine at work and she replied, that it's not odd to see people shop for those items. "Many families are so busy that there isn't time to cook a meal. It's microwave meals or things that can be made in the oven within less than a hour." She also told me that "kids today are different. Each kid prefers different things and it's easier to provide a variety." I said "you mean kids are fussier now." She gave me an emphatic "NO!! Many families like to offer choices and this allows kids to be different".
Mom becomes a chaotic short order cook. I wonder how long that takes???

Well now, when I was a child, you ate what was on the table at the time. You did have three options though. You could go to bed hungry. Sit there until you ate. Or save it for breakfast. But you were going to eat it. When I train a mission team to go to a different country, my mother's rules are followed. No grumbling, and eat what is before you. Don't offend the cook by being fussy.

I do 95% of the cooking for Rene and me. Rene never complains and always says thank you for the meal. She was raised the same way I was. I looked up some of my quick but homemade recipes and  found that many of them are prepared in 20 minutes and finished under an hour.

I think we owe it to the future world to train kids to do things without expecting too many choices and to eat without complaining. I believe this also prepares people to deal with changes that come along. Life doesn't always go "Your Way".

I decided to add a recipe after I sign off to prove my point. Quick and tasty

God bless,


Chicken And Chips

1 can 10 ounces condensed cream of chicken soup, undiluted.
1 cup 8oz sour cream.
2 tablespoons taco sauce
1/4 cup chopped green chilies
3 cups cubed cooked chicken. This can be boiled the night before.
12 slices Cheddar cheese.
4 cups broken tortilla chips  ( not crushed)

I a bowl combine the soup, sour cream, taco sauce and chilies. In an ungreased shallow 2 quart baking dish layer half of the chicken, soup mixture, cheese nad tortilla chips. Repeat the layers.

Bake uncovered at 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes or until bubbly. Serves four.

I always serve this with a large family style bowl of salad or coleslaw.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Amnesia Can Be A Blessing 3/6/2019

Good Morning,

Happy Wednesday to you. I hope this day is one that leads to a great weekend filled with faith, hope and love for you. My coffee which will be fueling my giddy up and go this morning is Door County Highlander Grog.

Many relationships suffer from memories that are too good. Every relationship between two people will be strained somewhere along the life of the relationship. It's at these times when there might be a disagreement that bad memories from the last disagreement or wrong doing are dredged up. It's amazing how a mind that can't remember what to pick up from the market after work can remember things from 30 years ago when anger kicks in. Thus, the bad memory adds fuel to the fire of an already inflamed encounter. The Bible has a lot to say about forgetting the past and letting that issue go.

Philippians 3:13-14         
Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

Isaiah 43:18-19        
“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

Dwelling on past wrongs that were committed against us blinds us as to what God is doing now. Who really desires to go through life blind to God's good works.

How can the other person know that they been forgiven? They have to relive the guilt and bad memory as well as you do when it is brought back up. Our anger has just caused harm to the other person in our relationship.

Psalm 37:8 Living Bible (TLB)
Stop your anger! Turn off your wrath. Don’t fret and worry—it only leads to harm.

So when it comes to healthy relationships and disagreements develop a healthy case of amnesia and forget the past.

God bless,

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Bust Out The Songs. Don't Be A Boar 3/5/2019

Good Morning World!

I woke up this morning to the aroma of Door County Dublin's Delight Coffee brewing in the kitchen. After some prayer I will head downstairs to pour myself a large travel mug and fill my insulated bottle with the same brew. Nothing like having another cup around 10:AM.

Psalm 81:1 King James Version (KJV)

81:1 Sing aloud unto God our strength: make a joyful noise unto the God of Jacob.

I cannot really carry a tune very well at all. And when it comes to playing instruments the best I can do is play the radio. and even the radio is difficult for me. But there are just some times when I see God at work that He just makes me want to sing. I guess I identify with "making a joyful noise". You could say that my music abilities are about as good as the sound of a wild boar grunting down the trail

I want to challenge all of those people with musical talents to use them in service to God. If you can sing, sing in church or nursing homes. If you play an instrument, play in church or youth rallies, or nursing homes. We have pianists come to the hospital and play our grand piano on a daily basis. We receive many compliments from visitors, patients, and staff. They enjoy the music and in some instances I have heard that it soothed their worries or stress.

If you have talent, your talent was given to you by God. Don't waste it by not using it. That would be a sin. If you are talented enough, teach others to play. Don't take your gift to the grave without sharing it. A talent is something that you are instinctually born with that gives you unique skills and abilities. Talent is set apart from knowledge in that it is not a learned behavior, although it can be strengthened and practiced. The Bible tells us that we are all born with distinct talents and gifts that set us apart from each other. When you discover the talents that God has given you and you use them to glorify Him, you will experience a full life! Our loving Lord wants us to feel whole and complete, and it is through talents that we can find our unique calling in life!

1 Peter 4:10-11 New International Version (NIV)
10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 11 If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.

Bust out the music my friends!
