Thursday, April 19, 2018

Life Isn't Always A Piece Of Cake 4/19/2018

Good Morning,

The old mug was just filled with Door County Red Velvet Mocha Coffee. My day started with prayer and some Cheerios. We are ready to face the day.


It can be said that I know my way around a cake and have enjoyed a few good ones in my life. I am partial to carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. Now, enough said about my appetite and my favorite cake.

I want to talk about "cake days". Some days are just like a slice of great cake, washed down with a cold glass of milk. They are the type of days that you wouldn't mind having another slice of.

But then there are the broccoli type of days. Nothing personal, to broccoli lovers, but I would prefer the Bubonic Plague over eating broccoli. To me "broccoli days" are tough to chew and give me indigestion. They are days that are often full of problems or relational issues.

Here is where we can learn. God sets the table of our days. Some days are cake days and other days are broccoli days. Like a good parent He gives us some broccoli days to increase our growth, make us stronger or to learn to rely on Him more. He knows what we need when He sets the table of our day. The expression "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" can be applied here.

James 1:2-4 New King James Version (NKJV)
My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

A good parent would not give their child cake every day as a steady diet. The child would suffer from the lack of meat. God knows that from time to time we need a struggle or two to help us develop strength through Him.

Today might be a broccoli day. Or is it a cake day? Regardless of the type of day, rejoice and learn from the experience.


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