Sunday, December 3, 2017

Christmas Music And Caroling 12/3/2017

Good Morning,

I treated myself to a cup of door County White Christmas Coffee this fine morning and off I went to duck hunt. There is always something to laugh about while duck hunting and I had a few belly busters today. You never know how funny it is until your buddy says, "On no! My dog is eating the donuts". Nothing like seeing a big Labrador with a donut in his mouth staring back at his owner.

I want to continue bring attention to those who are out performing nice things for others during the Christmas season.

Ecclesiastes 11New King James Version (NKJV)

The Value of Diligence

11 Cast your bread upon the waters,
For you will find it after many days.

Last night we hosted the annual Christmas Caroling for two eldercare homes. Two teams went out with great intentions to distribute gifts, share Scripture, prayer and sing some Christmas songs. The groups were quite large and once they arrived to our home they were given instructions on what to do. Off they went and about 40  minutes later they were back and ready to eat a soup pot luck. There 5 kinds of soup, pheasant sausage, and desserts galore. As always there were some candy and crunchy munchies. Now that is not the whole story.

When I returned home from hunting today I went to the back yard with our dog. We live next door to one of the eldercare homes visited last night. Our dog went over to visit like he always does and I went to bring him back. One of the ladies who was visited yesterday was sitting outside all wrapped up with a big coat and a blanket. She was enjoying some fresh air. I waved and she asked me to come near her. She has only been living in the home for about three weeks. She told me how much the caroling meant to her and how it had cheered her up. She can no longer live at home alone and needs some help. She told me how she used to go caroling for others and how our caroling came full circle to her. She went on to explain that for the first night since she started her stay, she slept all night long and found finally felt peace in her new surroundings. She liked the song Away In A Manger. She explained that Baby Jesus had to leave Heaven to be born on Earth, in a manger. She told herself that if He could do all that, she could certainly be ok in a new home, with new friends.

I saw people give a Saturday night to go out and be a blessing to others. I listened to the fruit of their work. I hope there is more to see. Christmas does bring out the best in people.

God bless,


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