Sunday, December 24, 2017

Christmas Eve Best Gift I Ever Gave 12/24/2017

Good Afternoon,

I am a little behind today, but that's ok. I took some time to chase pheasants with our dog Gibbs. II grabbed a cup of Door County Jingle Bell Java Coffee earlier and headed down the highway to our hunting spot.

The trip usually takes about an hour and fifteen minutes. When I left the house it was cold and dark outside. I decided that I needed some alone time and against my wife's wishes I hunted alone. She is getting protective of her guy these days. She is the commander and I was and always be a little bit of a rebel.

Philippians 4:8New International Version (NIV)
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

As I traveled down the quiet highway, I was praying and my mind wandered to Christmas Eve's of long ago. I have many fond memories to think about but one in particular stood out.

It was going to be one of those years when our healthcare careers would hamper our getting together with our families. We had started making arrangements for "Christmas In January". My dad was still recovering from surgery and it did not look like we could make the 5 hour trip to Michigan until after the holidays. Rene could not leave town and I only had Christmas Eve to be able to do so. Other family members also could not get to Michigan for a visit. Out mother was understanding, but I knew she was depressed about it. I did not want to leave Rene alone either. Rene also understood and said for me to try and get to Michigan.

So the night before Christmas Eve I started for Michigan hoping to visit in the morning and then travel home. My goal was to be home by seven PM. I did not tell my mother I was coming, so as to surprise her and also not have her get her hopes up. Wisconsin winter weather can stall most any trips. I made arrangements to sleep at a motel just down the road from my parents house. As my luck would have it, half way into the trip a snow storm graced me with it's presence and it slowed down my travel speed immensely. Late, late that night I pulled into the motel and fell asleep within minutes. I set my alarm for 5:30 AM . When the alarm went off I hustled for a quick shower and was in my truck by 6 AM. I decided to call them first. My mother answered and I asked her what was for breakfast? She then went on to tell me that not every person is up at 6 AM and just because she raised an idiot who hunts early in the morning, that idiot should wait to call at a more reasonable hour. I told her I would call back when she was less crabby and said Merry Christmas. I laughed myself silly as I headed toward their home which was about five minutes away. I couldn't wait to surprise her. I pulled into the drive and heard my mother say to my Dad "some moron just pulled in, now what?" I had just purchased a new truck and she hadn't seen this one yet. She made my Dad answer the door, because she was still in her nightgown and robe. He took one look at me and said "Jean this one is for you". She came to the doorway and I said "Merry Christmas, what's for breakfast"? I saw my mother tear up, she knew I had made the long drive that night and I explained that I could only stay for a couple of hours. I needed to get home so Rene would not be alone on Christmas Eve and I could keep my work commitment for Christmas day.

Sausages, toast and eggs were hustled up toot sweet and hugs were exchanged. I left gifts for my parents to open later and soon I was saying goodbye. Mom teared up again and said that coming home even for a couple hours was the best present I could give.

That night, when I was home and Rene was sitting by the fireplace, she said, "Thank you for traveling like a mad man. I really do appreciate you being home tonight." We ate some grub and washed it down with hot chocolate. I did not give, expensive or fancy presents, they were content with a gift from the heart. I shared myself, which I don't see as a prize, but to them it was.

Friends, don't forget to visit your loved ones. The best gift you can give, is yourself. My memory of that day, warmed my heart again once more. I would do it all again in a heart beat.

Merry Christmas,


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