Sunday, December 11, 2016

When The Whiskey Talks 12/11/2016

Good Morning,

This fine morning finds us in the beautiful state of Georgia resting before we continue our trip to Florida. Our room afforded us the luxury of a coffee maker. So it's almost like home as I sit and drink a cup of Door County Christmas Coffee. I had a good friend give me some travel packs on Friday and I am very grateful for them this morning.

The holiday season for some people isn't always a cheerful time. For whatever the reasons, they are depressed and in some instances will try to drown the pain and sorrow in alcohol. The time of year spent remembering the birth of Jesus Christ has them wishing that their own lives had never happened. What starts out as an office Christmas party or an after work get together ends up in a twisted mess when too much alcohol is consumed. Family gatherings can get ugly when things that would not be said normally are let loose because alcohol or drugs loosen the lips of anger, hurt and despair. They seek to be numb from their situation, but only increase the pain.

One thing I have learned is that you cannot reason with someone who is under the heavy influence of drugs or alcohol. But during their time of inebriation you can hear directly from their hearts. They will tell you or say things that show the ugliness of what is going on inside. You can hear their pain, sorrow, disgust, fears, anger or shame. The time to deal with any of these is when the person is stone cold sober, not while they are drunk. Unfortunately for those around this, it also turns anytime into a nightmare.

If you find yourself in this situation the only solution is to get help from a qualified individual or organization. But the first step is to seek out God for His help.

Matthew 6:33New King James Version (NKJV)
33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

The inner strength you will need to survive this spiritual battle comes from God. This is a battle that can be won.

1 John 4:4New King James Version (NKJV)
You are of God, little children, and will have trials, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

There is victory in a relationship with Jesus, one that is not found within a bottle or glass.

John 16:33New International Version (NIV)
33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Friends if you find that you cannot rejoice in the season and things are too much for you to handle, throw away the bottle and call on a Bible believing church. Don't be ashamed to come in and lay it on the line. The church is a collection of saints who have all had their lives restored from sin. No one there is above anyone. The church is and should be like an emergency room ready to help restore lives. And you are not beyond restoration. God loves you and wants more for you.

Before the alcohol or drugs gets any worse, run to the arms of God. If you are dealing with a friend or family member who is drunk, do not confront them while they are drunk. Listen to what they say and write it down. In today's world use your phone and record their words. This is not to be published on social media, but to be used to have them acknowledge what they said, When they are sober, read or play their words back to them and let them hear from their own hearts. Then offer help with love, but start with Jesus the Author and Finisher of help. The ultimate choice is their own.  You too need support during times like these. Run to your church, small Bible group and family for support. But always make sure that they are pointing you to God for your ultimate help.

I pray this day finds you in peace. If not, message me and I will be happy to pray for you. With God at our side we together can find the help you need.

God bless,


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