Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Old People and Young Dogs 6/10/14

Good Morning,

Today is going to start with a cup of Door County Hazelnut Crème Coffee and a mad dash out the door for work. I am hoping to get an early start and get home at a decent hour so I can shovel wood chips from five stumps that were ground out this weekend.

Our neighbor Jeff owns a Red Labrador who's name is Murphy. Murphy is just about the same age as our Springer Gibbs. At night Jeff will take Murphy for a walk on the other side of our street. They stop for a few seconds and wait. Gibbs usually is watching out the window next to our front door. We know when Jeff and Murphy are across the street when Gibbs barks and whines a little.

When we open the door Murphy drags Jeff across the road and then we let Gibbs out. The two dogs run and wrestle for about a half an hour. They play for awhile and then stand by the garden hose until they get some water and then the circus starts all over. What is amusing is that our elderly neighbors move to their window to watch the two dogs play and run. When their window is open you can hear them laugh. Last night I heard them say "I hope they don't take them to the back yard, we can't see the dogs play back there." We had no idea that these two hunting dogs that like to play were also important to the neighbors. What is a good way for the dogs to exercise is also entertainment for some folks who can't get out much. We stayed in the front yard and intend to do so from now on.

I am glad that we are a part of the day that they look forward to. We both have great hunting dogs. The neighbors will never hunt over the dogs and see a bird flushed or retrieved . But they are appreciated by the older neighbors who just like to watch dogs. When you think about it, the play between the dogs is innocent. Two people sharing a laugh watching our two clowns is just plain joy.

1 Timothy 6:17 (NIV)

17 Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.
Smile and enjoy an older person and a  dog today. They are gifts form God

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