Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Losing Your Marbles 6/3/2014

Good Morning,

Started my day with a cup of Door County Red Velvet Mocha Coffee. Come to think of it I haven't had any Door County Cherry Crème coffee in a long time. That's going to change soon.

There is a story told to seminary students wishing to become youth pastors. They are given a bag of marbles. Then they are told to fill their mouths with marbles and begin to teach and preach with clarity. Then every time a young teen can clearly understand what they said they can spit out one of the marbles. When they have lost all their marbles they are then youth pastors.

Seriously, the most underpaid in many churches, you guessed it the youth pastors. The ones who catch more flack from parents than anyone else in the church, you guessed it the youth pastors. The ones typically with the least experience???? The ones who tend to last only five years or less in the ministry???? Yup it's the youth pastors. The ones with the most souls to win or lose. Yup it's the youth pastors.

Today is a day I declared "Pray for the Youth Pastors, Lay Youth leaders, Short Term Leaders of Mission Trips for Teens  Day."

Let's take time to encourage them, love them, and assist where we can. In my many years of youth work  experience I can say that most of the time it is a long, long time before you see the fruit of your work.

There was a boy that I had to draw a hard line with a few years back. We actually asked him not to come to youth group because of his behavior. I now see him every Saturday night in church. He spends a lot of time helping others with computer skills that he learned in school. Now I look forward to seeing him every Saturday. He is a good man. God took him through some hard times and now he mentors others. I never thought I would see that one! But deep down, he was listening. He came back.

I see the food pantry in our church that three teen girls prayed into existence 8 years ago. It has fed so many. When I look back at those girls, there were times that they drove me bonkers.  Given the time and support, much can be done through youth workers and youth pastors with teens for the Kingdom of God.

Thessalonians 5:25 "Brethren, pray for us, greet all the brethren with a holy kiss, I adjure you by the Lord to have this letter read to all the brethren, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you."

Paul writes "pray for us" . I think every youth pastor would scream that from the pulpit. Pray for us!!!!!!!!!  They have the future of the church in their hands. They are closer to stopping an abortion or suicide than anyone. Pray for them!

It is a difficult calling that God has given them. He has also given them us. Bring this subject up in prayer in your homes, in your small groups, in your prayer meetings. Pray, Pray and then pray again.

God bless,

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