Sunday, February 3, 2019

Watching The Snow Melt, There's a Lesson In It. 2/3/2019

Good Morning,

As I sit here looking out of the window, our dog at me feet, and a cup of Door County Mocha Mint Coffee next to me, All is quiet and content in our home.

Last week, we entertained a variety of weather like I haven't seen in a long time. We had a little of everything that winter can provide. We saw temperatures drop to -30 degrees with extreme wind chill readings of up to -50 degrees. We received a few piles of snow, saw some freezing drizzle and before you knew it we were back to +30 degrees.

I have spoken before that there is no such person in the name of "Mother Nature". God controls the weather and it is His to do as He wishes. The buffet of weather we had last week provided a challenge or two for us, but we survived. I saw God in the weather.

Romans 1:20 New King James Version (NKJV)
20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse

Now on to today. The weather is 70 degrees warmer than it was a few days ago. Out white fluff we call snow is beginning to melt. We may get more snow this year and I would almost bet on it. But what was piled next to our door is melting quickly and that particular pile of accumulated flakes will be gone. They will be replaced (maybe) by other flakes but soon I will see the miniature lilac bush again. Sometime this spring it will show it's flowers once more.

God taught me a lesson through the weather. What is here today can be gone tomorrow. In nature we can see the cycle of life. We can't predict what the temperature will be on the Fourth Of July right now and whatever it is. it will be  somewhat different on the Fifth. The weather taught me that there is a beginning and and end. It reminded me that we are all here on Earth just temporarily and someday for each one of us the end will come. We don't know how many days we are allotted, but shouldn't we live each one like we are the melting pile of snow I see out of our window?

1.Don't let issues become grudges. Make relationship repairs.
2. Save some money if you can to take care of those you will leave behind some day
3. Be known for your kindness. Listen more speak less.
4. Let people know they are loved. Be the first to say I love you.
5. Share yourself with others. Make the visit you want to make before it is too late.
6. Celebrate birthdays, holidays and accomplishments.
7. Attend and be part of church. Participate. Visit the food shelters not only to take, but to give.
8. Be the family member you should be. Can you be counted on?
9. Most of all pray and communicate with God. You are here today and there might be something He wants you to do.
10. Don't take tomorrow for granted. Be a friend by being friendly.

God can teach us many lessons and usually mine come from the Bible. But today He taught me one from nature and the melting snow.

God bless,


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