Thursday, February 7, 2019

Warning Signs 2/7/2019 Good Morning World!

Good Morning,

Today we are embracing another ice storm that started last night. We will be cleaning up after it is finished. It will need to be a slow process for Rene and me. I will not be doing anything without a cup of Door County Caramel Apple Coffee near by.

My recovery from knee replacements is going well so the last thing I need is to slip on the ice and damage the work done on my legs. So there is nothing important enough to make me even try to go down our driveway or sidewalk.

Now the danger of slipping can easily be seen. Ice is ice and is known to be slippery. It can't be made much clearer than it is to spot the danger.

Proverbs 12:15 New King James Version (NKJV)

But he who heeds counsel is wise.
15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes,

Life choices are the same way. There is usually enough warning or examples set by others that can show us what will happen if we make the wrong choice. Last night we witnessed a fella with a high powered car speed up to beat a yellow traffic light and he clearly ended up going through a red light. Unfortunately for him he did it right in front of a police patrol car. The patrol car immediately turned on the police lights and pursued the hot rod down the street. I can only imagine the cost of the fine given to "Speed Racer". He ignored the obvious and made a rotten choice.

God always gives us warnings at to what can happen "if". People who gamble with money, must by now know that you don't always win. Yet people lose their money to gambling and then wonder how they might retire or pay their bills. Life is full of warnings, it is our choice to heed the warnings or ignore them.

Rene will need to go to work at the hospital today. She will travel very slowly and give herself extra time to get to the hospital. Some things can't be avoided but they can be planned around appropriately.  But for Rene to wake up late and then drive fast  to work would be utter foolishness.

Heed the warnings. They are God given.


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