Thursday, May 31, 2018

Prayer In The Schools 5/31/2018

Good Morning,

The day has begun a little early and I am a little rushed today. I will drink my cup of Door County Cherry Crème Coffee on the run today.

More and more school shootings are getting to be way too common and the senseless slaughter of kids must stop. Many people want to control guns and I can understand their desire to try it. But that won't stop the carnage. Evil will find another way. It could be knives, clubs or gasoline bombs. Will we ban gasoline? Will baseball bats be destroyed?

 Jeremiah 29:13 New International Version (NIV)
13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart

When these atrocities occur I hear of children who were praying during the day from hell. I hear of parents who gather to pray as they wait for their children to be reunited with them. When I hear of these incidents, I too fall to my knees in prayer.
We have taken prayer out of the schools. Bible clubs are being banned and those who gather to pray at the schools can be disciplined. I wonder if the those who are so against prayer would ever discipline a kid who confessed to praying out loud during an active shooter incident? Could they be that stupid? Let me answer that question. I believe someone will be that stupid some day.

Out of fear and faith these kids and teachers facing death  decide to invite God back into the school and they do so with prayer. So why don't we call on Him before we lose the battle and reinstate prayer back into the schools? Why aren't we teaching thou shall not kill? Because we would still be murdering babies for dollars and for "choice". That would make us all hypocrites. We should be ashamed of ourselves. How about loving your neighbor? I heard that idea is "Old school." Well call me old school please! Tragedy is always met with finger pointing. Some will blame guns. Some will blame organizations. But I think we all need to look inside at our own hearts and say, "no prayer in school, no Bibles in school, no brotherly love, babies still being murdered." What have we done?

Wouldn't it be nice if every day had a Spiritual start to it instead of having a shooting become a Spiritual event?

Food for thought! Join me in prayer today. We need it.


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