Sunday, May 13, 2018

It's Not Easy Being A Mom 5/13/2018

Good Morning,

Happy Mothers Day to all of the moms out there. I salute you with a raised cup of Door County Cinnamon Hazelnut Coffee.
Proverbs 31:13
13 She selects wool and flax
    and works with eager hands.

I can't speak for everyone but I can tell you this for sure on behalf of my mother who departed this Earth for heaven several years ago. She raised three children. This oldest one was wild to say the least and hell on wheels most of the time. I never sat still from little on up and through the years. And I don't sit very long now. I am on the go all the time.  But there was always a meal waiting for me when I came through the door. I had clean clothes and help with my homework. I received correction at least a million times. Mom sat through football games in the rain, nursed me back to health, stayed awake until I came through the door on those late nights that I over partied and tried to have long meaningful talks with the stubborn one of the family.  Prodigal son doesn't even describe  this idiot.

Maybe not for you and your mom. But it wasn't easy for my mom. She was sewing my blue jeans one night when she experienced a small stroke. Once she was home from the hospital she saw me throwing out those jeans. She retrieved them from the trash and sewed them, saying "that is wasteful". I still make bread rolls or what have been named Nana Buns like she did.

Teaching me anything was a chore and to coin a phrase "It takes a village to raise a child" was more than true for me. There was a time when the village quit and gave up, but mom still kept trying to right the ship of her hell raiser. She didn't quit. I am glad she didn't. The only way I can thank her now is to live the life she taught me to live.

Take time to pay tribute to your Mom by living out life the way she taught. Don't forget to thank her for all that she does. I never did that and now it is too late. I tied my shoes just a few minutes ago and recalled how she spent time teaching me to do that. I am not wearing shoes with Velcro because of that very patient woman.

God bless all of you today!


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