Saturday, May 26, 2018

He Leads Me Beside Still Waters 5/26/2018

Good Morning,

My blog is running late today due to a need for some extra sleep. The old eyes were heavy with exhaustion last night and sleep visited me like it hasn't in a long time. But now with a cup of Door County Lighthouse Blend Coffee next to me it is time to write.
Psalm 23:2-3 New King James Version (NKJV)
He makes me to lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside the till waters.
He restores my soul;
He leads me in the paths of righteousness
For His name’s sake.
Remember this. " Every pathway leads to a destination". I see the world spinning out of control these days and it is no surprise that many of the calamities we witness are self induced.  That is a lot to be said in an opening statement.

In our Bible text today we see the Shepherd leading His sheep to still waters. Sheep are not the smartest animals in the world and when they smell water they will run to it with their thirst even though the water is rushing and is deep. They go right in and their wool coats absorb the water, they become heavy and the rushing water can pull them down, to a point of drowning. Their thirst lured them in and without thinking they followed a path of destruction.  The Good Shepherd leads them to pools of still water that are better for them and they can drink without harm.

This world has a lot of "rushing waters" to entice us into a path of destruction. The world has a lot to offer that once tried and then tried again ,like a fast current of water can suck us in, it lures us down a path to the wrong destination.

Here is an example of what I am talking about. Many years ago a man I knew worked with his son to build a muscle car. This car was powerful and fast. It would be a temptation for any young boy to "try her out". I for one traveled this path myself back in the day. Of course this young man gave into the temptation at least once, if he hadn't already tried it several times before. Like me, both cars ended up destroyed. My friend and I walked away from our crash. This other fella and his friend didn't and I attended the funeral. There was a safer way to "see what those cars could do".

We live in a world where lewdness abounds and then wonder why the abortion mills are thriving. We live in a world that murders babies and then wonder why people are being shot in schools and no one has any regard for life.

God offers different pathways and His do not lead us to destruction. He leads us away from what the world claims as good for us. Yet it is our duty to choose the path that leads to the destinations waiting for us. Like dumb sheep we rush down the wrong paths and then suffer the consequences of the destination.

My friends, what paths that seem harmless, are you strolling down now that will soon be a path of no return? I see gambling addictions cause people to work long hours just to lose their money. They can't afford to retire. This list of "innocent lures" with sharp hooks could be paragraphs long. I will leave you to fill in the blanks.

I know this was a bit much for a Saturday morning, but it was laid on my heart and had to be said. I plan on writing about this again tomorrow.

God bless,


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