Thursday, August 18, 2016

Reaching A Hand 8/18/2016

Good Morning,

I am looking into my mug of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee and having a brain block on what I am going to write today. I know what is in my heart but the words seem to be escaping me.

Recently while I was in Haiti on a short term mission trip we were afforded the privilege to serve undernourished kids a few meals. I call this a privilege because the act of kindness did more than feed some kids. It melted our hearts and changed the team. I paid close attention the one night when I was actually delivering the plates to these kids. Our language barrier wasn't an issue. What I paid attention to were the facial expressions. Some of these kids looked at you as if you were giving them a great gift. Some did not make eye contact. It seemed to me that they were ashamed to be in need of a meal. Some never took their eyes off of the plate until the food was gone. Some of their faces showed expressions of thanks and relief. I don't think that many of my friends and family can identify with relying on a stranger for a meal. Some looked at us like we were special, almost like kings and queens and just to sit with us was a big deal for them. They never seemed to take a meal for granted. They all said thank you or nodded, The tiny ones just got down to business and ate. Their smiles were more than a thank you. they did not realize that it was me who was being ministered to.

I pondered last night how that might of felt to some of these kids and the different facial expressions. Then I realized that I should know what it feels like to need and rely on a King. After all I am like a little orphan each day and I reach out my hand in need of life. My food comes to me handed down from God, what I have He gave to me. Once I was lost and like a little beggar I came to Him in need of a Savior.
I have nothing really to offer to the King that he doesn't already have. I can barley look at Him for He created me from dust. Just a word from Him in my direction is special. To spend time with Him is a desire I can never pay back. And like these little kids, the only thing I can offer Him is my heart. I came home and looked in our refrigerator and said a prayer of thanks. Those kids changed the way I look at things. I see our apple trees hanging with fruit and I am thankful. I see our dog sleeping and content and his ribs are not showing because of lack of food. I am thankful. I drove to work yesterday because I have a job. I am thankful.

Psalm 51:10New International Version (NIV)
10 Create in me a pure heart, O God,
    and renew a steadfast spirit within me

What do you take for granted? Meals, work, family, church, God, health??? After all, aren't we all poor orphans and beggars in need of our God to sustain every breath and eternal life through Jesus?

Can you give Him your heart today in thanks? Those kids came for a meal. I received heart surgery.



  1. So many things big and little things to be grateful for each and every day. I enjoyed talking with you on this in person.

  2. Don’t we all need heart surgery in our lives of affluence?
