Saturday, August 27, 2016

Hanging With The Boys 8/27/2016

Good Morning,

I woke up this morning to the rhythm of rain drops on the house. We seem to be making up some of the rain we haven't had all summer. It's a good sound except that my next activity today has to be outside. We will see how that goes. I better pack a Thermos bottle of Door County Red Velvet Mocha to go along with me.

Later today I will be headed out to participate in a Sporting Clays competition. This one finds a few churches competing in shooting our shotguns at little clay targets which are zipping through the air at different angles, distances and speeds. We have a few guys from our church going and it has always been a great time and I think today will be the same. My skills seem to be going downhill in this event. I am hoping to shoot like days of old but I will be content to see the team have a good time and hang in there with the other churches. I will probably just shoot like I am old. We will play hard and compete with intensity. We will have great fun.

This will be good clean fun and I wouldn't hesitate once with the thought of bringing a young boy or girl along to this event. This day is open to both genders and the ladies have been known to out shoot the guys quite often. Our grandson has competed in this event.

But here's my point. We will be walking a course that is spread out. ( Good physical exercise). We will be starting with prayer. (Good Spiritual Exercise) We will be practicing a skill. ( Good exercise for the mind) And we will be bonding in a safe, clean, atmosphere. ( Good exercise in character).

There are so many things out there for anyone to get caught up in that would not be honorable or moral. I give these churches a high five for planning events that are of good moral character. I went out of my way to invite some of the younger guys at church to come along. We really don't care if they shoot well or not. Our goal is to fellowship with them and eventually pass on the torch of the men's ministry to them. But most of all we just want them to have some fun with us.

What events are you going to this weekend? Would God go along? If not, look us up we have some more events coming along and would love to have you.

God bless.

Have a great day.

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