Friday, August 5, 2016

August And The State Fair 8/5/2016

Good Morning,

How do you start a Friday? Lot's of prayer and a cup of Door County Dublin's Delight Coffee works for me.

This time of year welcomes in the Wisconsin State Fair. Music, animals, roasted corn, barbecued chicken, anything and everything wrapped in bacon, amusement rides, cream puffs, fresh lemonade and some games of chance are their for ten days. It is a time when you can relax and indulge in some treats and forget about the world for a little while.

When I think about the fair I go way back in my memory to high school and the Midway at the fair. I can still see my good friend Wayne and I measuring up one of the games of skill and chance. We wanted to win some teddy bears for some girls we had just met. Oh and yes the fair was always and still is a good place to meet people. The game was to take a baseball from a good distance and throw it at two china plates and break both of them with one throw. I am not sure what happened or if we ate our Wheaties that morning, but the two of us could not miss. Soon we had a pile of teddy bears and oh yes the girls were impressed. We kept playing and kept accumulating very large teddy bears. We were giving them away to little kids and really having a great time, until the keeper of the Midway came and had us escorted out and we were not allowed back in because we won too much. We objected and asked the question "if we were losing all the time and spending money for nothing in return could we play all night?"  They could not answer us by looking us into the eye. They just had us escorted out. They weren't used to losing. 
It is the same thing Satan does. As long as he can convince you that evil is a good thing and that sin is where you need to live he is all there for you. Fortunately when we start pitching for God's team,  throwing strikes and handing out good things to others he gets offended and then flees. He is never loyal to a winner for God, and that is fine with me. Satan does not stick around to take a beating. God is loyal and is always there to cheer us on. He always takes time to watch us pitch when we are throwing for Him.

Want a straight deal in life?

James 4:7New International Version (NIV)
Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Enjoy your day. Spend time with the Fairest of All.


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