Saturday, August 13, 2016

It's Really A Simple Plan 8/13/2016

Good Morning Friends and Family,

Saturday morning and I have to go into work for a short little project and I will be chugging some of my Door County German Chocolate Coffee in the old Ford as I drive in. Coffee, trucks, dogs and work, they all go together. If you have to go to work it should be in your truck.

I recently was chatting with a fellow that I would call "scholarly" and he was telling me about this book he was reading that gives guidance as to how to live successfully. I asked him how many pages were in the book and how he was doing with reading it. He replied "it has a little over three hundred pages and I am reading about three to four pages a day". Now I am a wise guy from the word go. I asked this "If that book is so good and it leads to successful living why haven't you completed it in just a day or two? Why wait to be successful?  Now my scholar friend replied "You make a good point". I just couldn't let this go. I asked him if he had ever read the Bible? The answer was "no, it has no relevance to today"! I thought to myself "here we go". I looked up Micah 6:8 on my phone and told him that I would prove the relevance of the Bible to today.

Micah 6:8New International Version (NIV)
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
    And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
    and to walk humbly with your God.
I read the verse to him and said, "just think what the world would be like if everyone followed this verse. We wouldn't have law suits, lawyers would be less busy and less expensive, prisons would be day care centers, teachers wouldn't need the police, parents would have some peace and quiet. More people would be able to count to ten and not blow up at other people." It told this fellow that I believe I found the book for successful living and I read it every day and sometimes I just can't put it down. Unlike his best seller that barely kept him awake. He was dumb struck and silent.
Wondering what life is about? What path to take next? What is the truth about eternity? How to love? Open your Bible and unleash yourself on the pages and absorb the many truths and promises.
Start today!
God bless,

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