Saturday, July 16, 2016

When I Look Into A Flower 7/16/2016

Good Morning,

Saturday is here and I have started my count down to my trip to Haiti. This coming Thursday I leave and will not be able to write to all of you. Some of us will never meet, but each of you with known or unknown faces are familiar to me. I invite you each day to spend a moment with me and think. We share my den, our kitchen, our patio and occasionally you accompany me on a trip or two. I am asking you all to go with me to Haiti by praying for me and our team. Thursday will be my last blog post for awhile. So I wish you all well today and raise my cup of Door County German Chocolate Cake Coffee to you in love and respect.

The cycle of life has often caused me many moments of thought and pondering. I watch our flower garden from beginning to end every year. When the winter comes and the snow is piled high, if I close my eyes I can see Rene on a hot day tending to the flower bed.  I can see the green buds fighting off the cold to peak through the ground in the spring. I can see the dried branches and fallen leaves after the first frost. I can picture the frozen ground with nothing but Earth showing before the first snowstorm. The garden is asleep until spring. Most of the flowers are designed to return year after year. Some do not and have to be reseeded so they fill in the open spots in the garden.

Colossians 3:16   
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God

Yesterday I drove past a spot on the highway where a wooden cross was placed as a memorial to a person who died there on his way to work. I knew that fella. He was a co-worker of mine and dear friend. He passed away a few years ago. Someone has replaced him at work now. I have buried a few others this last year or so who labored in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Like a full garden needs to be full, and dead flowers replaced, so is a church. We must as we all get older be training our replacements who are called to do so. They need to stand in the gap when we are gone. Like my friends who are gone, but are not forgotten,  someone had to take their place in their jobs at work and in the church.

And just like a new flower blooms beautifully over and over until gone, these replacements will do the same. But they must be nurtured and allowed to grow.

What flower are you watering?

God bless.


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