Friday, July 15, 2016

Take Time For Celebrations 7/15/2016

Good Morning,

Friday is here and I am embracing it with a cup of Door County White Christmas Coffee and a smile one my face. Yesterday I was able to share a cup of coffee with a dear friend at work. Who knows who will imbibe from my Thermos today?

I don't believe we take the time to celebrate the small things in life. Celebration takes some time and effort. Yesterday at work we celebrated three of our caregivers in my department having been with the hospital another five years. We had one at 30 years, 20, years and five years. We celebrated with a cake and a little downtime to laugh and be happy. This is an accomplishment that needs to be celebrated.

Yesterday I also had an answer to a prayer request. It involved the care of a loved one and what the future held in store. God intervened and provided an answer to our pleas for help. Last night I made some Kool Aid and Rene and I took some time to be thankful, celebrate with a cold drink and watch the sun go down. We know that the days ahead will be tough, but each day that our loved one gets good care and physically stronger is a blessing and worthy of celebrating.

James 1:17New International Version (NIV)
17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows

How do you celebrate life? Do you realize that all good things come from God? Are you thankful? Do you include God in the celebration? You might ask how do I include God in a celebration? It's easy. You tell others about His love and what you are celebrating. Birthdays should be celebrated. Births of newborn babies should be celebrated. A job should be celebrated. Friendships should be celebrated. Accomplishments should be celebrated. Anniversaries should be celebrated. Graduations from school should be celebrated. We would all be happier if we took time to celebrate something at least weekly.

So celebrate your life. God has a picture of you on His refrigerator and He celebrates you!


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