I am drinking some Door County Cherry Creme Coffee this morning to get me up and going!
I thought it might be a little fun to test our brains today and see if we can't learn a little about Jesus Christ the Son of God by posing some trivia facts today. Let's see what we know. You might want to use this at a Bible study as an ice breaker.
1. Who ordered the census which brought Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem?
2. Where did Joseph, Mary and Jesus live?
3. What type of work did Joseph (Jesus’ earthly father) do?
4. How old was Jesus when He first taught in the temple?
5. How long was it before Joseph and Mary discovered Jesus was missing?
6. Where was Jesus baptized and by whom?
7. What were the three temptations that Satan gave to Jesus?
8. Who was the first disciple to come to Jesus in John 1?
What was the first recorded miracle of Jesus?
9. What was the first recorded miracle of Jesus?
10. Whom did Jesus call the “generation of vipers?”
11. What was Jesus doing when the disciples were scared during a storm on the sea?
12. How long had Lazarus been dead when Jesus brought him back to life?
13. What was the reaction of the people after Jesus cast the legion of demons into the swine?
14. Jesus said, “Get thee behind me Satan” to which disciple?
1. Caesar Augustus. Luke 2:1
2. Nazareth. Luke 2:3
3. He was a carpenter. Matthew 13:55
4. Twelve years old. Luke 2:42-47
5. After one day they knew He was missing, but it took a total of three days to find Him. Luke 2:42-47
6. In the Jordan river by John the Baptist. Matthew 3:13-17
7. Satan asked Him to turn the stones into bread: Matthew 4:3; To prove that He was invincible: Matthew 4:5-6; To worship Satan for the purpose of having the kingdoms of the world given to him: Matthew 4:8-9
8. Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother and one of John’s disciples. John 1:40
9. Turned the water into wine and the marriage of Cana of Galilee. John 2:1-11
10. At various times the Scribes, Pharisees and Sadducees. Sometimes separately and sometimes together. Pharisees and Sadducees: Matthew 3:7; Pharisees: Matthew 12:34; Scribes and Pharisees: Matthew 23:33
11. Sleeping. Mark 4: 35-41
12. Four days. John 11:39
14. Peter. Matthew 16:23, Mark 8:33
How many did you get?
14 out of 14. Excellent
12 out of 14 Nice Job!
10 out of 14 Pretty Good
8 out of 14 Fair
6 out of 14 Not Too Good
Less than 6. Better study up a bit.
Have a great day. God bless.
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