Once again my coffee comes from the Door County County Coffee Company. I am drinking some Heavenly Caramel this morning.
Well school will be out soon, the weather is warmer and some vacations are planned. Summer goes by so fast. ( Not fast enough for us duck hunters)
1 Corinthians 10:31 (NKJV)
31 Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
I want to ask you a few questions about your summer plans?
Have you made arrangements for a special time with God this summer?
Teaching Vacation Bible School?
Short Term Mission Trip?
Visiting a nursing home with the kids? (They can stay up later now)
Attending church while traveling? You can be blessed and be a blessing to another congregation at the same time. What if Jesus decided to take a vacation on the Friday before Easter? Church attendance should not be skipped because of vacation.
Volunteering for a service project?
Giving the church a paint job?
Working a car wash for charity? Getting your car washed for the right charity?!!!!!!!
Watching the children of someone working a car wash or helping with a service project?
Well If you need help planning, email me at fritzschutte@aol.com and I will be happy to assist with your vacation plans.
God bless,