Saturday, September 29, 2018

The First Frost Of The Year And Chilled Hearts 9/29/2018

Good Morning,

Let me say it again. Good Morning! This is a day that I look forward to every year. It is the first day that frost has appeared on our grass. God has painted a light crunch in our yard and it lets me know that my favorite time of the year is really here. I enjoy the fall season and tomorrow I will be hunting a little.  A big cup of Door County Caramel Apple Coffee is sitting next to me. The house is a little chilly inside, but I just placed some squash in the oven to bake. It will be warm in no time at all.

My thought for today is about the chill in the house. The weather forecast for next week shows a few warm to almost some hot days. So Rene and I won't go into the heating mode at all until we know that the cold weather is here to stay. The chilly house makes me appreciate the warm clothing I own. But for some reason the cold house seems quieter and actually a bit lonely. Rene is still sleeping and I expect her to sleep for a couple more hours. She needs that extra sleep. She has had a long week at work.

Back to the chilly house. In no time at all the house will begin to warm up and will have the smell of seasoned squash coming from the kitchen. Things will be back to normal. The chilly homes I am going to talk about are the ones where during the night before, cross or harsh words were shared between the occupants of the home. Then everyone went to bed without apologizing or praying, or forgiving. They wake up to a "frosty home" filled with cold hearts. Something today needs to change to warm up the hearts within the home. Where I live, if a home is left to stay cold and unheated for too long, it causes severe damage. The water pipes and drains freeze and the repairs can cost a fortune. I have witnessed homes needing to be torn down because of the flood damage. No one cared to restore the home anymore.

                                   Ephesians 4:26 New International Version (NIV)
26 “In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry,

Friends, you might have gone to bed angry and it might even be that you have gone to bed all week angry. It's time to take a step to warm up the heart and take the chill out. This often requires forgiving, praying, and seeking God's compassion. Or the winter season of your life will last a long time and it might just prove to be a hard freeze you never get over. There is nothing worse than owning a hardened heart. We work overtime in a job that we are not qualified for when we put on God's hat and seek revenge. This is a sin to not forgive and when we play God we are only making ourselves into our own little idols. We are given the right to be angry but yet in that anger God tells us not to sin. This is easy to talk, not always easy to walk. But it is an expectation of God for us.

Exodus 20:3 You shall have no other gods before me. NIV

Food for thought.


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