Saturday, September 22, 2018

Shore Lunch, The One I Just Can't Forget 9/22/2018

Good Morning,

AS I sit here writing to all of you I have our dog Gibbs sleeping on my feet and a cup of Door County White Chocolate Cinnamon Dolce Coffee next to me. There is just something about this setting that makes me feel good. Hopefully I will be hunting next weekend.

Last night before I went to bed I for some reason or another I started to recall past fishing trips. There was a stretch in my life when an annual trip to Canada to spend a week fishing with buddies was the norm. But as with all things, time has a way of changing what you do. The lodge where I liked to go suffered a major fire and has not reopened. It seemed like finding a new place just wasn't what I wanted to do.

Philippians 1:3 I am thankful for the friendships God has given me & for the journey I am on...
One of our customs during our week of fishing was to gather the guys that were there that year and meet along the shore of this huge lake at noon and eat lunch together. Each of us would bring a fish or two with us to the spot in the woods and we would fry them up or bake them. One particular day when my partner and I were headed to the lunch destination I could see in the distance the smoke from the cooking fire rising to the clouds. We showed up with our trout. Most of the guys were already there and one buddy was starting to fry the fish in a big skillet. We had fried potatoes and onions along with cans of pork and beans. The cans of beans was sitting close to the hot fire simmering away. The freshly fried fish was heavenly and the fire felt like a warm blanket. It was early in the year and the ice had just left the lake. The wind was cold so the fire had two purposes. What I remember most was that each of us removed our cap and prayed before we ate asking God to bless our meal and watch over our loved ones back at home. We ate and joked around, coffee from Thermos bottles was shared and soon after that we partnered up, two in a boat and went back to fishing.  That was the last time we ever went as a group again. Now some of those fellas have gone on to be with our Lord in heaven. Those of us still here will sometimes reminisce about that trip and smile as we remember the meals and the foolish jocularity that always takes place when a bunch of guys get together.

It's funny how a moment in time like that trip will leave an imprint in your mind and heart forever. So my thought for today is this, God made that lake, planted fish there, gave us firewood, and created each guy there. Correct me if you think I am wrong. God gave us a memory that will last a life time and I for one am better for having been there. So as I recall that trip stored in the vault of my pea brain I need to stop for a moment, look up and say to God, "Thanks for the memories". We all have some good times to recall, we just need to remember Who gave them to us.


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