Friday, March 6, 2015

Watching And Waiting 3/6/2015

Good Morning,

Happy Friday! My mug is filled with Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee and my face is decorated with a smile.

Matthew 25:13         
Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour

I love to duck hunt. There is no doubt about it. One of the things a duck hunter must do is to be watchful at all times. Many hours are spent watching the sky and the waves for a glimpse of a duck or flock of ducks coming toward the hunter's decoy spread. The other thing a duck hunter must be ready to do, is to shoot right away when the duck gives you that chance at a shot.

I can tell you of a time while duck hunting in the cold that I fell asleep and woke up to a bunch of mallards sitting in the middle of my decoys. I was startled and when I moved my shot gun slid down into the boat. My  movement to get my gun caused the ducks to take flight faster than you can imagine. Needless to say I missed my chance at a duck supper. You never really can tell when those ducks will come in.

Jesus will return and no one knows the day or the hour. Many people are fooled into believing false prophets who claim to know exactly when Jesus will return. This is very far from the truth. God's Word says we will not know. But what we should do is "be ready to go".

Many women have a bag packed during the last days of pregnancy because they want to be ready to go to the hospital when little Johnny or little Gertrude decides to grace the world with their presence.

We need to have our bags packed also. What do I mean? Jesus is coming back some day. You might be ready to go because of your faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Good for you and me. But what about those friends and relatives that have not received Jesus into their lives and accepted Him as Lord and Savior? Those bags aren't packed. So since we do not know when He is coming, but like the duck hunter who is watching and anticipating a return some day, shouldn't we be ready and have those bags packed full of our relatives and friends? Tell them about the love Jesus has for them. Lead them to Jesus.

Why not be ready? He is coming back!


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