Sunday, March 1, 2015

Crock Pot Sunday 3/1/2015

Good Morning Dear Friends,

I am sitting in my den looking at a new blanket of snow that fell last night. It isn't enough to cause a fuss but for some reason it makes my Door County Christmas Coffee taste all that much better. I have to head into work today for a little while. I am content and at peace this morning. Our Saturday evening church service and prayer meeting later was Spirit filled to say the least. Our supper of cheddar broccoli soup was just what was needed to top off the night. The crock pot will be used today to slow roast some duck breasts for a stir fry later. Everything will be in a slow motion today. Even the cooking process will be slow.


Psalm 90:10

10 The days of our lives are seventy years;
And if by reason of strength they are eighty years,
Yet their boast is only labor and sorrow;
For it is soon cut off, and we fly away.
I have declared that although I have things to do today I will not rush through, just to get them done. Each one will be given the time needed to start and finish the task or pleasure. For instance I will drink my coffee just a little slower so I can enjoy the aroma and flavor. Once the crock pot is filled I will stop by now and then to sniff the feast of duck breast and Chinese spices. I am going to spend more time today with our dog. I am making time to sit with my wife and tell her that she is loved. I will not over pack this day. Tonight I will read a couple chapters from a book I am studying and I will read them slowly. My prayer time will be slower and uninterrupted.
Aren't we all just a little too busy? Declare a day for yourself to slow down. Who ever said on their death bed, "I wish I would have spent more time working"? I agree we need to work so we can eat. But each day is a gift from God. How about slowing down a little to enjoy the work, the crock pot, the coffee, the family or the dog.?
Have a slow day!
God bless,

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