Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Train In The Distance 3/8/2015

Good Morning,

May your day be blessed from above. May your coffee be hot and tasty. My mug is filled with Door County Chocolate Caramel Truffle Coffee the fine day.

As I began to write to you this morning I could hear a train sounding it's horn in the distance, warning automobiles  that it was approaching a road crossing. We live fairly close to the railroad tracks and when we first moved into our home and heard the rumble of the train and the horn we thought we would never get used to it. After a few months you just didn't seem to know it was even there. It is easy to ignore. I actually love the sound in the winter on a very cold night. My ancestry has a railroader in it that causes me to recall a loved one who taught me a few things about railroad tracks. The horn is very loud and signals a clear warning of imminent danger. Our road crossings have signal lights that start flashing and gates that swing down to block the road. You can still drive your automobile or bike around those gates. I see people do it all the time. I read all too often in the newspaper about people who know the train is coming but yet cross the tracks with the train approaching instead of waiting. The reason it made the news is that it did not end well for the driver when the car stalled or got stuck and the train collided with which is now usually a dead driver and passengers. What a tragedy to not listen to the warning.
Psalm 139:13-14         
For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.

Our bodies were made with warning signals also. Someday each of us will pass away from this Earth. That is God's timing and His alone.  But in the meantime we have a responsibility to take care of ourselves as best as we can. For instance when something internally is wrong, a signal is pain, or a bloody discharge which is out of the normal parameters of life. This is a warning sign telling is to seek medical attention. Thinking that it will just disappear especially after it persists for a few days or returns is like standing on the railroad tracks thinking that the train will stop in time and not hit you. A woman with  lump in her breast is give a clear signal that something is wrong and it needs to be checked out.

God created us in such a way that we are wired with signals all throughout or bodies. He has given us the responsibility to heed the signs and reasonably seek medical attention until He heals us permanently when we go home to heaven.

Dear friends, take care of yourselves, heed the warning signals your body gives you. God equipped many people with brains for medicine now and advances are made each year in health repairs and maintenance of the body. Doctors and nurses are a gift that God uses to sustain us until our journey ends. I had a shoulder repair a couple years ago that took a long time to heal. The physician said the reason it took so long to heal was that I made it worse by waiting too long for the repair. I guess the numbness and pain weren't enough to convince me to seek help. I had to wait until I couldn't pour my coffee!!! That was the last straw. This guy likes his coffee, but it was way too long of a time to wait. Things became worse.   Listen to the signals. God speaks to us through the signals and advises us to use the gifts He has provided.

Have a great day!  Love you all.


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