Thursday, January 16, 2014

Spouse Abuse 1/16/14

Good Morning,

I am not feeling all that well today. So my coffee is going to be a cup or two of water. But if I weren't feeling down it would be a big cup of Door County Highlander Grog.

This is the second day on this subject. Yesterday the title was spouse neglect. But soon after one starts neglecting their spouse it often may turn to abuse. You might think that this is an exaggeration. Not really. It doesn't take long before a spouse who is being neglected talks to someone about it or mentions it to their mate. It goes from small arguments to larger blow ups. Many times when one is confronted with their sin, out of guilt they respond harshly. Things are said or done in anger that cannot be taken back or undone. This is abuse.

So for instance when a spouse is left alone all the time because their mate would rather be out with friends or has to watch television all the time, the spouse starts to wonder "what's wrong with me"? This plays games with their mind and often causes depression. This again is just the abuse Satan hopes for. Many times in what I call guilty rage the neglected spouse can become the target of verbal barrages better left unsaid or worse the abuse become physical.

Genesis 2:18-25

The Message (MSG)
18-20 God said, “It’s not good for the Man to be alone; I’ll make him a helper, a companion.”

Man and woman were made to desire companionship. Satan has worked hard to substitute companionship with addictions to hobbies, video games, porn, drugs, alcohol, or work. He wants people to feel neglected. He wants people to be abused by those that are supposed to love them.

Friends if this is you on either side of this coin let me know so I can pray for you. Seek help in your local Bible based church.

God loves you and you can call on Him for help. Please do so today.

God bless,

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