Thursday, January 23, 2014

Miracles! Do You Believe?

Good Morning,

I am slurping down some very hot Door County Maple coffee this morning. Nothing like a hot cup of coffee on a frigid day. Funny thing, I drink coffee all year round even on hot days. I guess I will have to come up with a different excuse for coffee during the summer.

I have to say that I have witnessed my share of miracles to this point in my life. I believe God is still in the business of miracles.

I would like to share one that I witnessed a few years ago. I was on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic and the weather was hot and humid. There was very little relief from it. A couple of us got together and expressed that we were worried about several in the group that just seemed to be beat. I went back to a chair in the shade and began to pray. I remember the prayer well. "Father God, if it would be your will would you please provide some comfort from this heat for my friends.?"

I did not think about it too much and went about doing some work that needed to get done, That evening a motor scooter pulled into our camp. It was the local Pastor who also was worried about us. On the back of his scooter were two 5 gallon containers of ice cream. Now the closest city where one could purchase ice cream was 35 to 45 minutes away by scooter. I asked where he had picked up the ice cream and he told me that he had gotten it from the city and drove it to us. I expected that when we opened it that the ice cream would be melted from the heat and would be more like cold soup.
Much to my surprise the ice cream was still frozen so hard that we had difficulty scooping it from the container. I smiled and looked up. I said to myself "Only You God could deliver frozen ice cream to a hot steamy jungle."

Friends I believe God is the God Almighty, the Alpha and the Omega. I believe that our Creator loves us and still provided miracles for us to see and be blessed with.

Jeremiah 33:3 (NIV)

‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’
God chose to amaze that day and reward some tired workers. How about you? Want to share a miracle you have witnessed. Let's share these by commenting. But in all, we must give God the glory.
God bless,

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