Sunday, January 19, 2014

NFC and AFC Championship. Who Will Win? 1/19/14

Good Morning,

Blessed be your Sunday. Make sure to rest awhile in the arms of worship to God today. My mug is steaming with Door County Christmas Coffee.

Later today the National Football League will have a couple of games being played to determine who goes to the Super Bowl for the NFL Championship game. All four teams playing today are very good and deserve to be where they are. But unfortunately only two teams will move on, and only one can win the Super Bowl. In September all the teams had a chance to be playing in the Super Bowl, but one by one through game losses they eventually were eliminated from the main goal. Many player lockers have been emptied out and the players must wait to see if next year is the year for them. It is a long "off season" for them. Some might not ever play another game due to retirement or diminishing skills.

Fortunately God does not operate like the world or the NFL. He desires that all Christians are in the game and scoring touch downs. There is no "off season" He is in the game with us and yet is our biggest Cheerleader. No one who serves the Lord in the name of Jesus is ever a loser.

John 12:26

"If any of you wants to serve me, then follow me. Then you'll be where I am, ready to serve at a moment's notice. The Father will honor and reward anyone who serves me.
But, not many want to get into the game for God. They choose to sit on the bench or in the stands watching others. No one ever scores a touch down from the stands. So, today stand up and commit.  Say " put me in Coach I am ready to play and I will play whatever position has the need." You will see that God is ready to have you experience working along with Him. It is experiences you will never forget. And you never have to retire until God calls you to something better. Heaven! It's the Hall of Fame" All Christians will go to heaven but God says He has a reward for those who serve Him. Wow.
Oh by the way. The title of today's message eluded to a prediction of today's game winners. Here is the absolute truth. The two winners advancing to the Super Bowl will be the two teams who scored the most points in their respective games today.
God bless,

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