Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Pilgrims Cared 11/26/13

Good Morning,

I hope you are all enjoying some quiet time and a hot cup of coffee. My cup is filled with Door County Cherry Crème Coffee.

As we approach the Thanksgiving Holiday in America I want all of us to take our minds off of big feasts and visiting relatives just for a minute. What can we learn from America's first pilgrim settlers?
I think today's lesson can apply across the world.

Reverend Billy Graham writes,

 Care about Others
 The Pilgrims left us an example of a people who had keen social concern. They believed that every person was made in the image of God, that each one was of infinite value and worth in the sight of God. They lived with Native Americans who had a different religion, a different skin color and a different culture.
In March of 1621 Chief Samoset visited the Pilgrims’ village and signed a peace treaty that lasted for many years. It was a treaty with high social and ethical content, showing a deep concern for the social, political and spiritual needs of neighbors.
Though the Pilgrims knew that they were citizens of another world, they sought to improve the world they were passing through. The Pilgrims made their new world better, not by tearing down the old, but by constructive toil and fair dealings with their neighbors.

Romans 14:17-19 For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Whoever thus serves Christ is acceptable to God and approved by men. So then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding.

Would others say that the world is better just because we are in it?

God bless,

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