Monday, September 2, 2013

The Old Man and The Boy 9/2/13

Good Morning,

In the United States we are celebrating a holiday today. "Labor Day". It is a day to honor hard work and take one day of rest. Unfortunately many will still work today because there jobs require them to be there. But today I will have started my day with a hot cup of Door County Coconut Crush Coffee.

Yesterday I had the great blessing to goose hunt with a good friend and my nephew Nick. My nephew is now 18 and has entered the work force as well as part time studies. Nick has been a hunting partner of mine since he was about four years old. For some reason he just migrated toward hunting and fishing. When he was little and we would go out for an evening duck hunt, the lad would sit on my lap and learn how to call ducks. He would often walk for miles trailing my dog and me after pheasants. Many times as we drove home I would look over and see him sound asleep with a full belly of salami sandwiches and gummy bears.

But yesterday as we entered the marsh, I noticed something. He took the lead and was pulling the boat in, parking the Jeep, and setting up blinds. He had learned well. The boy has become a man. He also has learned to pray. We always pray before our hunts begin for safety and each other's families.
Gummy bears were replaced with coffee and doughnuts. He grew up.

As I sat in the fog I wondered how many hunts we had left together. I believe my shoulder might  hold me back a little this year. As we speak, Nick and my buddy are out again this morning long before sunrise. My shoulder won't allow two days in a row. But I can tell you that they were prayed for right here. I couldn't be there but they are loved and my prayers went with them. So where is this rambling going?

Spend time with good men, family and friends. Teach a boy to become a good man.

Proverbs 27:9 
Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of one's friend springs from his earnest counsel.

Best part is that my family member is a friend also. I don't worry about those two guys today. They will take care of each other and God is watching over them. I'll just wait for the pictures.

God bless,

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