Sunday, September 8, 2013

Greenbay Packers and the San Francisco 49'rs 9/8/13

Good Morning,

I am starting my day with some prayer, bible reading and a hot cup of Door County Chocolate Meltdown coffee. I do have to work today which does not happen too often on a Sunday. But I will be there for the day.

I mentioned this to a neighbor. He replied, "will you be home in time watch the Packer game on television?" For those of you outside of the United States the Greenbay Packers are an American Football Team in the National Football League. (NFL) They are also the our local state team. Fans from our state are very loyal and many barbecues and extra eating will happen because of the game today. Today is the first game of the season and they will be playing the San Francisco 49'rs.
Many families will gather to watch the game, cheer, complain, and let their blood pressure go sky high from the greasy food and the excitement of the game. Some would call the Greenbay Packer fans "fanatical". They wear green and gold clothes, some paint their bodies green and gold. They at times endure terrible weather to attend a game, freezing without shirts to show their green and gold painted chests. If the Packers lose the game, the next day is somber and you would think that the state is holding a funeral.

I do enjoy watching a game or two. My wife likes to watch them all. But it makes me wonder what the world would be like if all Christians were fanatical?

What would happen if people stood in stadiums across the United States just to cheer for Jesus and dedicate a whole day to celebrating His death, burial, and resurrection? What would happen if thousands were standing and one by one some would come forward to testify how Jesus changed their lives and how they now know they will spend eternity with God because of His gift to us?

I do back my football team. But how do I back my Savior? What about you? Do people even know that you are a Christian? Are you a sidelines person a once a week fan of Jesus or are you in the game?

May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything; what counts is a new creation.

Galatians 6:14-15

Got your Jesus Jersey on?
God bless,

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