Saturday, August 3, 2013

Union Station Washington DC and Compassion 8/3/13

Good Morning,

I wish I was starting my day with a cup of Door County Highlander Grog. One more day until I reunite with my coffee cup.


I will be returning from a short term mission trip tomorrow. I have been in Washington DC with two wonderful groups leading them on a service / evangelical mission trip. During the week we ended up going down to Union Station to feed the homeless and tell them about our Lord Jesus Christ and Savior. God had provided an abundance of food to give out and the teenagers added things to the lunch bags like chap stick, rain ponchos, sun screen, and hand sanitizer. Many great things happened for the kingdom of God.

One of the mission participants was led to clean out the non-functional fountain that once stood so proudly outside of Union Station. It no longer holds or sprays water. It was filled with hypodermic needles, liquor bottles, card board, bottles filled with urine, and lice. We did protect ourselves and finished cleaning it out. Deep in our hearts we know that in a few days the fountain will look like that again. But as one young girl said "at least these homeless addicts will have a clean place stay for a couple days." She has her heart in the right place. She had compassion on those who are more than less fortunate.

It broke our hearts to know that this once grand fountain now housed those with no where to go. It wasn't the fountain we cared about. We never saw the people that live there. But today they knew that someone cared.

Proverbs 19:17
He who is gracious to a poor man lends to the LORD, And He will repay him for his good deed.

God bless. Have compassion on someone today even if it is anonymous.


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