Sunday, August 4, 2013

Mission Trip Washington DC 8/4/13

Good Morning,

 Once again I am home and my coffee cup is filled for the second time with some long over due Door County Cherry Creme Coffee. I hope and pray this day finds you in church to worship our God.

I am home now from a short term mission trip to Washington DC. The mission was to assist those who are homeless, veterans or in extreme poverty showing them the love of Jesus Christ. Souls were won for the Kingdom of God and physical work was performed to assist a Housing Project, open a new Christian School, provide clothing and food to a pantry, as well as make food and deliver it to the homeless living in parks and on the streets.

I led this trip and had 20 others with me. Most of these were teenagers and one 12 year old. They did have a few adult leaders to guide them. But the majority were teens. Now that I explained the dynamics of our team you might be thinking "wow that was nice, what a good thing to do". No way did we do this for the praise of men. This team was called by God to GO! They were obedient and went. They worked hard, prayed hard and slept very little.

The two that stood out for me were not even from the group. They were two little boys who lived in a housing project where our team was working to beautify the area by using wheel barrels full of mulch and cutting weeds. These were long treks up and down very big hills with heat and humidity that was very high. These two boys came and just hung around for awhile. We struck up a conversation with them. We learned that they had just received Jesus as Lord and Savior at church the day before. They wanted to hang out with Christians.  But they also wanted to help. Those little boys shoveled, swept, raked and led prayer walks taking us to the sick and those that they knew needed prayer. They lasted all day!
We shared lunch with them and made sure to bring plenty of extra food the next day. Funny thing. The boys never ate all the food we gave them. They saved half for their families.

Luke 18:17 (NIV)

17 Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”

In two days I saw more true Christianity from those little guys, just new to the Lord than I see from many long time and "established Christians". They wanted to hear more Bible verses and one boy had already memorized one.

So today quit singing "Standing on the Promises of God" while sitting on your backsides. Get up and experience Jesus like those two boys. Make a difference and show the love of Jesus.

To the team members with me and to the two boys. Well God says it best.

Matthew 25:14-30 (NIV)

21 “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’

Love to you today.

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