Thursday, March 2, 2017

When You Feel Aone. Jesus Can Identify 3/2/2017

Good Morning,

The art of breakfast and coffee graced our kitchen once more. Fresh biscuits with peanut butter and honey with a big cup of Door County Mocha Mint Coffee made it to the table again.

There are times when loneliness attacks a person with a fierce vengeance, especially when you have just had a huge set back in life. You just want to scream with bitterness and rage. I know I believe in Jesus during those times because He can identify with me. When Jesus cried out while on the cross "My God My God! Why have you forsaken Me?  We know that Jesus was suffering the worst human degradation anyone could bear. He was hanging on a cross for us, in front of His mother. He could have summoned a legion of angels for His care, yet He chose to fulfill His mission. Love nailed Him to the cross and love kept Him there. He stayed there for you and me.

During times of deep distress people have been known to curse God and scream why, why, why. When we realize the price that was paid for our eternal salvation , where there will be no pain, hurt, loneliness or sorrow we can know that whatever we are going through and the pain we experience whether physical or emotional is temporary and Jesus can identify with it. Whatever we face, we are not alone.

Psalm 23:4New King James Version (NKJV)
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil;
For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me
We have Jesus our Savior who loved us so much that He suffered,  died, and was resurrected so that all Earthly sorrow will end for each Christian some day.
Now that's real love. That love will bring comfort us and then bring us home some day.