Thursday, March 9, 2017

Surrounded? Don't Give Up! 3/9/2017

Good Morning,
Had a great challenge last night and my poor neighbor still does not have hot water. The chances of a brand new hot water heater being defective is pretty slim, but that's what happened. Coffee pot was set for 4 AM and it was filled with Door County Red Velvet Mocha Coffee. Can't wait for that first cup.


I like to watch old war movies and cowboy movies. Over the years I have noticed a few things. But one stands out as note worthy. Being surrounded by your enemy, human, or sharks never seems to be a good idea or extremely popular by those who are surrounded. It always seems as if fear is a top commodity. Escape is a priority. Nerves are stretched  further than ever. Sometimes there is conflict with others who are on the same side. Indecision seems to take the place of decisiveness. In one of John Wayne's movies He said to one fella,
"Looks like you got yourself surrounded". The other man replied "Yes and I plan on getting myself unsurrounded." Even John Wayne did not like the idea of being surrounded.

On the other hand there are times I cherish being surrounded.
As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people. For this time forth and forever. Psalm 125:2

We can count on God to surround us with His love and presence. I mentioned this to someone yesterday and they replied. "But I am surrounded by troubles."  "Oh yes" was my reply. "But think about it. Your troubles are surrounded too." When you look at it that way, surrounded doesn't sound so bad. God has your back!

God bless,

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