Thursday, March 16, 2017

Thou Shall Not Steal 3/16/2017

Good Morning,

Thursday has arrived right on time and it helped me to welcome my cup of Door County Mocha Mint Coffee. I raise my mug in a toast to the day before Friday!

Thou Shall Not Steal.
I believe just about everyone knows this statement as the eighth of the Ten Commandments. It is pretty self explanatory. DO NOT STEAL. Seems simple enough to understand even for this pea brain of mine.

When we think about it for a moment we probably all hear this commandment and say "Well, I have never robbed a bank, or shoplifted. I pay my taxes and don't cheat on them. I never go to the movies and watch two and only pay for one. I work hard and never cheat my employer by not working for my pay. Therefore I do not steal". If this is your thoughts on the subject, you are pretty much correct in your thinking.

I would like to talk about a different kind of thief. One who steal opportunities from others. Are you one who when applauded without deserving it, still accepts the acknowledgement? When the instance arises where someone else could experience being first, or be the chosen one, do you knowingly turn on the charm to outshine them? I believe we all have the ability to steal away opportunities from others. And when we do, we sin. I am not saying to not do your best to obtain a job or a promotion. But when the times come where we can let others be best or first without lying to them we should put others first. For instance, your neighbor is entering a chili cook off and is all pumped up for it. You know your chili is better so you decide to enter to win and rain on his or her potential parade in the neighborhood. This is selfish. I could give a million examples of being selfish. Being selfish is stealing. And stealing is a sin.

Philippians 2:3English Standard Version (ESV)
Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.

Don't be selfish, you might be stealing the life right out of someone.


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