Sunday, March 5, 2017

How To Have A Great Sunday 3/5/2017

Good Morning,

A new flavor graces my cup this morning. I just had my first taste of Door County Blackberry Shortcake Coffee. I think I will be having a second cup.

It's Sunday morning and my wife had to leave early for work today. Health care is a 24/7  duty and this is her weekend to work. I will be skipping breakfast today. I had a late dinner with one of my buddies last night and that burger is still filling me up.

Exodus 20:8New International Version (NIV)
“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy

But that's enough about my morning, let's talk about Sundays. I like to make them special and I try not to work too much on weekends. My job in health care requires it from time to time, but not all that often. I always start my day no matter what day it is with prayer within the first 60 seconds after waking up. Sunday is no different. Next comes a hands and face wash up while the coffee is finishing it's brewing process. Once the coffee is done I am launching this rambling rose of love to all of you. This is done every day. Then it's into God's word for a little bit. Most of my Bible time is completed at night.

But what makes Sunday different for me? I attend church on Saturday evening. I am blessed to preach in our church on Saturdays and the small flock of faithful attendees are mine to love. Sunday is the Lord's day for sure. He clearly tells us so. So my Sunday routine is different. I still get up early and pray. I spend more time in prayer on Sundays and my pace is slower. I have more time to spend with God. While in prayer I have more time to listen.  I pray for our Sunday services and the pastor who is preaching.  Except for this morning, I usually make a special breakfast for Rene and me. I realized a long time ago that Sundays were to be special. If she were home today we would be having some kind of pancakes or egg specialties.  Sunday also is a day that I have a little time to do a random act of kindness. Today I choose to bring some fancy pastry to Rene and her co-workers at the hospital. 

We are to keep the Sabbath holy says the Lord. And I believe that making  the day special for someone else is God blessing others through me.  Now for those who don't attend church on Saturdays, your plans need to be church attendance as a top priority.  You can bless others while at church. Be friendly, send a smile to all you see. Offer to pray with someone who is hurting. Bring some cookies or a dinner along. Deliver it after church to a shut in or someone in need of cheer. Pray during the service for the speaker and those who might need the message today a little more than you do. Be thankful to be there. Praise and worship God with your all in all. Visit the sick or the elderly later. Get to grandma's house and make sure she knows that she is loved. You hold the keys to Sunday holiness, all in your attitude.

Later make a special dinner reserved for Sundays and gather family or friends. Don't turn down invitations to dine with someone in their home. This is their way of blessing you. A Sunday is best spent when it is spent with others.

Later tonight when my bride gets home I will prepare an Italian dinner for her and I to dine on. We will pray and talk about our day. We go through our prayer list to note any changes or additions. Next Sunday we will be together once more and back to keeping our routine. I am looking forward to it.

God bless,


  1. Amen! Spending time with one another, helping each, knowing one another; creating a community!
