Monday, June 4, 2018

Waiting For The Rain 6/4/2018

Good Morning,

Monday arrived right on time. The alarm clock forced me out of bed and charging into the day after prayer and a cup of Door County Lakeside Fuzzy Naval Coffee.

Proverbs 19:15 English Standard Version (ESV)
15 Slothfulness casts into a deep sleep,
    and an idle person will suffer hunger.

Last night I was studying in the den and it was getting late. I had the window open and a slight breeze was blowing in and keeping me comfortable at the desk. The air smelled like rain, yet there just wasn't any in sight.
It kind of looked like rain for most of the day, but nothing came down.

Why am I writing about this? Well it looked like rain and the rain could impact the work I wanted to accomplish around our home. I decided that I would keep working on my list of projects despite the threat of rain. I sit here now and can say all of my projects were completed. The threat was there but yet it never developed into a work stopper.

Friends, what sometimes appears to be a roadblock to a task really isn't. It is easier to plow around tree stumps than it is to plow through them. But once a stump is removed the farmer has reclaimed more land for crops. I could have easily called it a lost day and went on to other projects or nothing at all. I decided to not waste the day worrying about if it would rain. I hit the projects head on and went through the stumps of my day. What was accomplished today made the rest of the week easier.

Don't look for excuses, look for solutions. Sometimes the best helping hand is on the end of your own arm.

God bless. Go and accomplish things with vim, vigor and vitality.


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