Sunday, June 24, 2018

Love Doesn't Wear A Watch 6/24/2018

Good Morning,

I am enjoying a cool breeze, sunshine and a cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee at the picnic table this morning. I like to describe mornings like this as "perfect" for this time of the year.
Colossians 3:23-24 New International Version (NIV)
23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Last night the telephone rang at 1 AM and this is not uncommon in our house. With the work we do at the medical center we are used to the telephone ringing in the night. But I will admit that my heart does race a little when it does. I never know what problem I will need to solve at the hospital or if Rene and I will be driving into work half asleep.

This call was different. It was from a friend who we have known for a long time. We attend church together and he had a family member in emotional distress. The details of the distress really don't matter as far as this blog goes. God did some great things through the phone last night and He gets the praise and glory for all that was done. It took awhile and it was closer to 3 AM when I plopped back into bed.

As I spoke to my friends last night after talking with their family member the hard cold reality of the situation set in. During our debriefing time my friends kept thanking me for taking the call and apologizing for doing so. Now I believe it was being courteous to make mention of the late night call, but the fact that they felt they needed to apologize for calling laid heavy on my heart last night. It was a privilege to be able to help. Here is what they don't know. If the roles were reversed I would have called them and I would have leaned on them in the same way. In our house we made a commitment to love and serve the Lord 1000 years ago when we said our marriage vows. Our calling from God is to do so and occasionally it involves a late night or two. They did not see Rene hand delivering a Bible from the night stand to the kitchen along with my glasses. They did not see her go to a corner and pray for a moment and then go back to bed.

A long time ago we said that as long as we are physically able, our home was to be used like and Emergency Room in a hospital and that if God needed us, we would do our best to respond. Apologies for calling or showing up for help let us both know that we probably have placed a sign on our hearts that indicate the Emergency Room might be closed or it is more of an urgent care with limited hours. Last night God showed us that He works 24/7 and He doesn't wear a watch or keep His eye on a clock. I never once apologized to Him when we went to prayer  and asked for advice. He readily supplied my needs and the needs of our friends.

This morning we examined our hearts and our actions to make sure that the "Emergency Room Shingle" is still hanging visibly on our hearts. We both believe the sign was there but the bulbs weren't fully illuminated very well. That's on us and we prayed for renewed commitment and forgiveness.

Here's the point my friends, whatever God has called you and your family to do, do it with all your heart. Despite ourselves, God did some awesome things last night and He really did not need us. He just woke up two people to remind them of their calling.


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