Monday, June 24, 2013

Tractor Repairs 6/24/13

Good Morning.

Monday always seems to return. So I am kicking off today with physical therapy on my shoulder and hot cup of Door County Chocolate Melt Down Coffee.

Psalm 34:17          
When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.

Well most of you know that I am still recovering from shoulder surgery. My wife and nephews have been stuck with all the yard work because of this. I came home one evening and found the lawn tractor parked with my wife looking at it with the neighbor. It was broken! Of course I tried to figure it out with one arm.  Then I found out that it is hard to get up off the concrete with one arm. One politician once said "it takes a village to raise a child".  I went in ate supper and prayed about the tractor. I knew it could be repaired, but not with me having just one arm right now. Well of course the first two to respond to my troubles were my two buddies Big John and Little Steve. John had just blown out his knee and Steve was heading to foot surgery in a day or two. I tell you this. We are all pretty good mechanically but with our limitations we really resembled the Three Stooges. The repairs took several days because of part availability. In the mean time the grass kept growing despite my prayers that it would slow down. (Imagine that).

So one of our Pastor's (Ryan) always asks how he can help people. I swallowed my pride and asked if we could borrow his lawn mower during the repair process. It was delivered to our home in no time flat. I need to ask him if he went home and prayed that his grass growth would slow down!

My point here is that in time of trouble my church responded in word and deed. The tractor is fixed, Steve and I are still mending and John is headed to surgery. Pastor Ryan has his lawn mower returned and I am assuming his son is thrilled to have it back now!

If you are a Christian and are not part of the local Bible based church you are missing out on "family time". My church family was an answer to my cry to God for some wisdom and help.

I took half the village to raise the tractor!

Join a Bible believing church and become active in it.

God bless,

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