Sunday, June 23, 2013

Daughters and Dads 6/23/13

 Good Morning,

Starting my day with a hot cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee.

Proverbs 22:6

New King James Version (NKJV)
6 Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.

I find myself deep in thought. I have to work for a little bit this morning, and then it's off to church. I haven't written about my daughter in my blog much. But today is her day in the barrel. I am very proud of her.

She and I are in some ways much alike and in some ways not. I guess that is why her DNA is 50% me!

I like the cold- she likes the heat. Wisconsin vs Florida
I like the Waffle House - she prefers the Cracker Barrel
I used to work out a lot- she still does
We both like to help others.
We both like to teach.
I can't carry a tune and she can sing beautifully.
I like guns and hunting-she tried it twice. (I think she is done now)
We both like dogs.
We are both loyal to family.
We are not afraid to work hard.
We both like naps and mashed potatoes.
I am a stubborn old cuss and let's just say she is too. She will disagree but then we both like to disagree at times.
I like to cook- and she is a great cook.
I think sushi smells like sweat socks and she eats it.
I am me and she is beautiful. Not my 50% of the DNA

One memory I cherish is when we were both involved in the same ministry. She was a teen and I was a youth worker. We found ourselves answering a late night hot line for troubled people once a month on Fridays. Usually at 4AM we were finished and would grab a bite to eat at an all night restaurant. We differ there also. She would have breakfast and I would have cheese burgers and chili. I have high cholesterol and I am not sure about hers. I need to ask!

Back to the point. It was one Friday a month, we were trained on what to say and do. We prayed a lot, before, during and after our assigned time of answering the phone. We helped quite a few people in the process and some to find their way to Jesus.  I remember some of those nights like they were yesterday. You would think the birthdays, past holidays, watching her sing in performances, getting married, bringing us a grandson, seeing her as a cheerleader, all the things she has accomplished would be the things I remember most. I do cherish each one. But what I remember is the talks we had on the way home and the contentment we had in serving together. I can still see the twinkle in her eyes when she knew she had reached a troubled soul with help.

Recently she called me and said she was on her way home with her son. They had just finished serving a meal at a local children's home. My heart was filled to the brim with pride. Yet another emotion took over. I found myself being just a little jealous. I would have loved to have done that with them. I could not see them but I could hear the twinkle in her eyes. I miss the twinkle.

The apple did not fall too far from the tree. Spend time serving the Lord with your kids. Let them take the lead when appropriate. If they have an idea run with it. Those late Friday nights were not my idea. The sleeping in late on Saturday I will take credit for!

I love her and I am proud to say she is mine.

God bless,

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