Monday, October 14, 2024

The Wrong Sign At The Wrong Time 10/14/2024

 Good Morning,

The day has begun and there is a definite chill in the house. It just might be time to make a small fire in the hearth this morning. My Door County Old Fashioned Coffee is not quite warming me up all the way. 

Matthew 9:4 But Jesus, knowing their thoughts, said, "Why do you think evil in your hearts?

Ephesians 4:6 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down on your wrath. 

At this time in my country our presidential election is only a few weeks away. This election was born in strife and has definitely created a lot of tension. You can just feel it in the air. I actually believe it is bringing out the worst in people. The radio and television have been invaded by advertising campaigns for the candidates and none of them are flattering. As much as I try all the gimmicks to block unwanted phone calls, a few are still getting through to me. The door to our house seems to be the landing pad for advertisements reminding us to vote. If by now you don't know what day it is and that it is your duty and privilege to vote, you have successfully isolated yourself from the world. 

While vacationing a little last week and enjoying a get away, I stumbled upon the sign seen in the blog today. It describes just how I feel about the constant bombardment from both political parties. It is the sign of my heart and mind right now. This is not good. 

Just the other day a neighbor of ours stopped by to ask a question and when the door bell rang my first reaction to it was not nice. I immediately assumed it was a traveling contractor seeking to rip us off or another person coming to tell me who to vote for. As I approached our front door I was already in battle mode. The political rhetoric shown and or listened to has become irritating and sickening. Maybe that is the response both parties are desiring. Not too sure. But it has impacted the way I respond to people, and I need to work harder at keeping my heart clear of ill will thoughts for the process and the candidates. This includes the campaign workers. They make it difficult to listen to them and even be polite. For those who arrive at the doorstep, I will try to make sure they are offered some coffee or water even if they cross the line of badgering me. 

So my theory for surviving this onslaught is to treat others as I wish to be treated and listen politely. It's up to the callers at the door and on the phone to do the same. As I watch television I can easily change channels during the commercials or to be honest just not watch television until election day. 

Do your best to be kind even when you don't agree.


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