Thursday, October 3, 2024

Make Sure To Clean Your Ears 10/3/2024

 Good Morning,

My day began without any coffee. I will be having my annual laboratory tests taken today and it is fasting for me until early this afternoon. 

Colossians 4:6 Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that may now how to answer each person.

As a child, and when I was able to take a bath for myself, every adult who had any  authority over me was always concerned as to whether or not my ears and their surrounding skin was washed and cleaned.  "Did you wash behind your ears?" was the announcement just before the inspection took place. I swear that in those days people were OCD over ears. 

Now, over sixty years later I find myself at times wondering if the people I am talking to, have washed behind their ears and if the crud of the ears has overrun their ability to hear and listen. People are so opinionated and stubborn now that they just don't listen to others who also have a valid point. Interrupting one another while we should give time to listening, is just plain rude.  I watched a televised debate between two men vying for the position of vice president of the United States the other night. I spent a lot of time checking out my television. I wasn't hearing the sound very well. No one was talking over the other candidate and shouting at each other. No name calling was taking place. I thought I had tuned into the wrong channel. They were professional, listening to the other candidate and then responding when it was their turn. The moderators were just that, "moderators" not referees to a shouting match of non professionalism. 

Better rebuttals were given by both candidates because they listened and at times agreed. Or disagreed in a way that was not nasty. 

There is a time to clean your ears and listen and a time to respond. Let's make today a day when we listen more and speak less. 

God bless,


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