Sunday, October 13, 2024

Shadows Of The Night 10/13/2024

 Good Morning,

I am sitting at my desk and the house has a little bit of a chill to it this morning. A hot cup of Door County Old Fashion Coffee will be coming my way very soon.

We have two English Springer Spaniels residing in our home and both of them are from good hunting lines and have proven themselves in the field. What I find to be a little bit funny is that when they go outside at night and actually see their shadows, they come in a little closer to me and aren't so willing to move on ahead. They are spooked by their own shadows and mine.

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old he will not depart from it.

In this world we raise our children to be fearless and to be able to forge ahead in any situation. I believe that raising them to be fearless and to have a staunch attitude is a good thing. But I also believe that we should be teach them to fear the consequences of the shadows of evil. One step in the wrong direction at a party of kids just hanging around, can be fatal. Illegal drugs laced with Fentanyl are deadly and the drug should be feared.  We should teach our children to run from the dark shadows of the drug world.

Damage done by drug use has a long lasting impact and some kids never bounce back. Worse yet they become property owners in a cemetery. Parents, don't be afraid to show your children the statistics, photos, and any other sources you can find to get the point across that drugs are illegal and dangerous. It is better for them to be called a sissy than to be called deceased.

Have a great day and keep your children close. 


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