Saturday, October 5, 2024

Sometimes It Is Better To Walk Away 10/5/2024

 Good Morning,

I am enjoying a hot cup of Door County Autumn Spice Coffee. I was supposed to have imbibed on this yesterday while duck hunting. I left my Thermos bottle in the truck and much to my disappointment I was in the swamp minus my coffee. Not one to waste anything, I reheated the contents of the Thermos bottle and yesterday's coffee is still good today. 

Psalm 37:8 Cease from anger and forsake wrath, it only causes harm.

Just a thought for today. In a city not too far away, an argument between two people expanded to include a few more angry people. The end result was two people were killed and a few wounded. The news releases never tell what started the argument. They did not say how many people were shooting guns. But it all started with two angry people shooting off their mouths. This is a prefect example of "Better to walk away". This applies to life in general and most arguments do not end in a shooting. But we tend to want to have the last word in a disagreement that has turned into an argument. Our anger is hot and ignites our mouths into word weapons that are intended to hurt the other person. The "word shot" comes out of our mouths and lands a heart crippling blow to the other combatant. 

So here is my point. When an argument is getting heated and you are forming sentences in your head to say that will hurt, or your plans include never backing down from your stance, you should just walk away and cool down. Spend some time in prayer and seek the counsel of God. Ask Him to help you cool down. If the anger is at this point you have probably already said some things that even if you meant them were said with added anger from within. Nothing positive is accomplished after an angry tongue lashing. The added anger tends to have people say things that come from deep within and should never be said. 

So my friends, you can tell when the anger meter is pegged in a discussion/argument. Stop, walk away and seek time in prayer and Scripture. Keep the dangerous tongue in it's holster. An uncontrolled tongue only leads to murder in the heart. 


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