Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Older The Violin The Sweeter The Music 10/6/2024

 Good Morning,

Once again I am headed to the duck hunting spot of my choice with a nephew and a hot cup of Door County Caramel Apple Coffee. 

2 Corinthians 4:16 GW That is why we are not discouraged. Though outwardly we are wearing out, inwardly we are renewed day by day. 

Yesterday while running some errands in my truck I heard a song on the radio sung by Hank Thompson. Country music always sounds better when you are in your truck. The title of the song was "The Older The Violin, The Sweeter The Music"

I am not a young whipper snapper any longer, but I am not exactly ancient yet. My wife remarked just the other day how much she dislikes getting older and what getting older brings with it. I told her about the song by Hank Thompson to make her feel better about our senioritis. I am not so sure that my attempt was appreciated, but it did wonders for me. I found a list of things that get better with age. 

1. Whiskey at a minimum is aged at least three years. 

2. Cheddar Cheese

3. Jeans, get softer with each wash and look better when they are a little stretched out.

4. Cast Iron Skillets.

5. Beef dry- aged beef's enzymes break down fibers to make beef more tender. 

6. Balsamic Vinegar. Similar to wine the vinegar is aged and sometimes not bottled for twelve years. The vinegar becomes stronger with age. 

7. Fine leather becomes softer with time and wear. That's why the old sofa feels so good during a nap. 

8. Pickles. This dill delight lasts for at least a year and with the aging allows them to soak up more nutrients. 

9. Flannel sheets. These sheets lose their scratchiness with more washes and then become a good friend to us on a cold snowy night. 

10. Wine is always better when it is aged to perfection.

My friends, you become better with each day. You get smarter, wiser, thriftier, more successful, more patient, and you might just be able to dance better. You have more advice to give, and you don't get worked up over rumors. You my friends are a fine vintage.

God bless.


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