Sunday, February 23, 2014

Removing Snow From the Roof. 2/23/14

Good Afternoon,

Sunday and it is the Lord's Day. I missed posting the blog yesterday and I am late today. I took a little time off to visit my Dad in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan this weekend. No Door County Coffee for two days. I will make up for it tomorrow. I traveled with my brother Jim, and his two sons Nick and Matt. Our goal was to surprise our Dad by showing up on Saturday morning. It is about a five to six hour drive from our homes. We traveled Friday night and hunkered down in a cabin for the night. We wanted to visit and also shovel the snow off of the roofs of his home and garage.  This winter has been long and the snow was standing about three feet deep on the roofs. we did exactly that a pulled off the surprise of the year. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it.

Nick, Matt and I dressed for the cold and snow, went up the ladder and started. At first we were all removing snow, but it seemed like we were not organized. This was apparent when we would occasionally receive a face full of snow that was accidentally tossed over a shoulder in the wrong direction. It seemed as if we were trying to produce our own Three Stooges Movie.

We stopped and hatched a plan. This plan was synchronized and all went smooth. A large task was done in a relatively short time, without an incident. I thought about it later and said to myself that I was going to look up a Bible verse for teamwork and organization. Where we went wrong at first was to not lay out a plan. We just went up on the roof and had at it. Our plan gave us direction. Matt is a young athlete and is more nimble. He worked the edges. I am a lot safer around electrical wires so I worked the section where the power lines came through. Nick is as strong as an ox and he moved tons of snow. We used each other's gifts to work together and to be safe.  By the way, my brother has a bad shoulder and could not work outside. He stayed in and helped our Dad whip up a kitchen specialty. It was a great weekend. We are tired and sore, but we all sure enjoyed ourselves.

 Proverbs 11:14 ESV          
Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.

God bless,

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